The Lone HoF Selection: Rich “Goose” Gossage
I remember Goose Gossage most as the scariest man to be facing late in the game against the Yankees from 1978-83. He was an intimidating presence on the mound! In recent years, Mariano Rivera is called intimidating, but Rivera’s is strictly due to his pitching prowess. When you speak of the intimidation factor with Goose Gossage it took on a whole different meaning. Not only was he a great power pitcher, but he was intimidating physically as well at 6′ 3″ with that mean stare of his to go along with his trademark mustache. He just looked evil up there on the mound bearing down on batters night after night! He is probably one of the last “true” old school closers this game had left so it only seems fitting that he got into the Hall of Fame (HoF).
I do admit that the 2008 Hall of Fame inductions would have been better served as an entre of Goose with Rice. I guess that we’ll just have to settle for Rice-a-Roni in 2009’s inductions.
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