Reading a name that proclaims something to be an “Insider’s Club,” one would tend to believe that they would receive information through this publication that others would not be able to receive. In some ways, this is true of the MLB Insiders Club Magazine, which is sent out monthly to its members and costs $24 a year.
The magazine features writers that many well versed baseball fans are already familiar with such as ESPN’s Tim Kurkjian and Jerry Crasnick. The articles that are featured from these writers inside of this magazine cannot be found anywhere else, as these specific articles have been given exclusive permission to be published in this publication.
Since they do only come out once every month, their covers often seem to have story lines that could not be considered news breakers. The previous issue features the Philadelphia Phillies on the cover and states, “Champs! The 2008 Phillies ended years of heartbreak in a thrilling fall classic.” While the issue before that remarked on how Francisco Rodriguez was closing in on the all time saves mark even though he had clinched it well in advance of the members actually receiving the publication.
One of the most interesting parts of the magazine is that they give their readers an opportunity to get their own letters, articles and pictures published in the magazine. The publication greatly encourages this act as at the end of nearly every article, there is a question posed to readers about their own experiences in relation to the subject matter of the piece. This allows the magazine to become better on a personal level as readers and fans alike have an opportunity to share their personal stories and pictures with others who share their interests.
While some of the major stories featured in the magazine have already been made public before the reader has a chance to get to them (in the most recent issue there are articles on the Athletics’ organization with Billy Beane at the helm and the rise of Texas Rangers slugger Josh Hamilton from drug addict to All Star), they do feature lots of small tidbits about what’s going on in stadiums across the country that would interest the truly tuned in fan. The current issue features small pieces on how the stadiums are attempting to “Go Green” during the recent surge to help better the environment, which has included recycling programs and organic food.
Each issue features a suggested trip to one of the well known Major League ballparks. In their description, they not only tell the reader what to do at the stadium, but they tell them about how to eat like the real fans of that team do as well as how to get a stadium tour and see what else there is to do in that city.
The current issue features two different team compilations with an All Post Season Team and an All Sleeper Team for the 2009 season (including catcher Jeff Clement from the Seattle Mariners and fist baseman Billy Butler from the Kansas City Royals).
Overall, the magazine provides some interesting looks into Major Leagues Baseball that many would not otherwise be privy to and it enables the already plugged in fan to be even more on top of what’s happening across the league.
The Grade: 3.75/5
Bill Jordan is a contributor to He can be reached by e-mail at
If you have had a change to read this publication, how would you rate it?
Are there more testimonials around the site?
Yes, there are many. Just keep checking the site for more of them. They will appear periodically. If you enter “Review” in the search bar at the top, it will provide you with most that are currently on the site.
Please check out BillJordan’s last blog post..Baseball Reflections on the Cardinals!
I REALLY liked your post and blog! It took me a little bit to find your site…but I book marked it. Would you mind if I but a link back to my site?
We appreciate your interest in Baseball Reflections and hope that you have time to catch up on the stories you may have missed. Tell us a little about your site and maybe we could work something out.
My membership number was I repeat was 10032382 until about an hour ago when I canceled my membership. Their product was OK but their service was atrocious! I ordered and paid for a World Seies Program on 01/20/2009. It never came. When I checked on it in late March, I was told that it would shipped soon. It never came. On 04/15 I got the same story. It never came. Today, 04/29 I was told that it would be shipped in three weeks. I said “Forget it” and cancel my subscription. I doubt that their customer service people would know a baseball from a cantaloupe!
I wanted to quick post a comment relating to the MLB Insiders Club and their magazine publication.
I recently purchased this for my father for father’s day and was very excited. I was under the impression that he would get the magazine every month, along with the free staduim blanket of his choice, a fan guide of the ball parks and the All-Star program.
He received his All-Star program the day of the actual All-Star game and we were very impressed. We also received the members’ guide book and began to read further. It states that you may from time to time be sent items to purchase, and if you don’t want these to let them know.
I called MLB Insiders Club to ask how often these “special” items came and the rep told me every month. Also, she informed me the magazine only comes out 4 times a year. We were able to cut down on the amount that the “special items” come to the house, however, these seems more like a business to get you to buy their products, rather than a magazine subscription to the latest baseball news.
We’ll see if and when the blanket and fan guide comes, but I hope it is all worth it in the end. If anything it is only $24 a year.
How Can I Contact Bill Miller Regarding My
Fan, Fanatic, Insider Entry. Thanks You.
Walter Moryan
I’d like to contact “Bill Miller” as well. I’m pretty sure he is imaginary. The whole “MLB Insiders Club” gimmik is starting to piss me off. I was under the impression that the “Club” was affiliated with MLB, but I seriously doubt it. If you receive an email touting what a great company they are, be wary. I submitted my info and received a “free trial magazine” and read it cover to cover. It was pretty impressive. Then, I paid my fees (three months ago) and have been mailed enough “special offers”, “rebates”, and correspondence to fill a dumpster and only one magazine. The magazine I got was thin and weak. I recently attempted to contact them via email, and I’m still waiting to see how quickly they respond. I just read the above comment that indicated only four issues are mailed out per year and I can already feel my blood pressure going up. At this point I’d say avoid them. If I receive anything to sway me otherwise, I’ll make sure I post on this site.
Thanks! I will recommend this to all my friends.
I made the mistake of buying this. They charged my credit card twice. I spent a half hour on the phone trying to get them to reverse the second charge. They said they did. It didn’t happen so I finally had to formally dispute it with the CC issuer. I have yet to receive the promised credit or blanket, but they sent me a worthless book I did not order and invoiced me for it. I complained about that and they said I have to pay or return anything they send that I don’t want. Now, after joining a couple months ago and receiving one thin uninteresting issue of their magazine, I just received another invoice telling me my membership dues are due now! They make it hard to find phone contact info too. That’s always suspicious to me. I found this site while searching the Net for a phone number because they don’t put it on their letterhead, invoices, etc.
I subscribed and paid for this magazine in July for my son. After the free issue I have not gotten anything as of yet. Now it is Decembedr 27th and I will cancel this what a waste of time. By the way no free guide or blanket either
I signed up for this magazine – not aware until the first issue came that it is only published four times a year – and then was notified that I have been chosen to receive a “special” lifetime club membership with no membership dues…as long as I pay a total of $325 in the next 12 months. Has anyone else had this “special” offer?… They did send me a big box of some free gifts, but after reading some of the previous comments here, I think I’ll “forget” to pay my first installment of $27.08 this month & hope they forget about me as well.
Like what you did. Here’s wishing you a very happy and prosperous new year !
I appreciate the comments. My view has certainly changed on the magazine and program since the original post of this article. Perhaps there will be an updated piece soon.
Thank you for the posts. I just received a subscription to this magazine for Christmas and received the Super Special life time membership offer in the mail. I’m glad I read these comments before being suckered into all their hype.
A follow up to my previous post: I sent them an email telling them to cancel my membership and not send me anymore free (?) stuff. Within 2 days, they wrote back and said ok. They were nice about it & didn’t ask for any of the free gifts back (I was a little surprised). I don’t think this is some kind of scam or anything, but I’d rather stay with a more established magazine (ESPN, SI, etc..) and not pay $27 a month for stuff I might not even want. P.S.- In case you’re wondering, you don’t get the “free” jacket until after you’ve paid the $325 membership dues.
Greetings and Salutations,
I believe that I’m the latest one to possibly get conned. I found this site, while trying to get the phone number for the MLB Insiders Club. They say that they haven’t received my payment. I don’t know why, my bank says that the transaction was
done. I’m waiting for my team blanket and all of the other stuff. If they don’t follow through then I’m going to complain to the Attorney General of the State of
Indiana, complain to the BBB, Major League Baseball and file a complaint with the local police department for fraud.
……and when they chose me to become a Lifetime Member(aren’t I lucky!? lol), they said they would return the $24 I paid when I ordered the magazine — They never did.
Hi, I ordered my magazines from this club and also got the free blanket and fan guide, I ordered this in Janurary and I just want to know when the first magazine comes out and also I got picked as a lifelong member, i have some questions about it and i want to ask them but i don’t see their number. Do any of u know their number?
Dear Readers,
Saw what Calvin wrote. The number to call is 1-877-424-3661 for the MLB Insiders Club. I called the number around 10 am central time and I was told that I would receive my Yankees blanket in 2 to 3 weeks. Why they don't have the number on their pamplets and stationary is strange.I found it on the back of the membership card tthat they sent. I'm curious though about an offer they sent me regarding Sports Illustrated subscriptions, The offer offers a supsription at an unbelievable lowprice of about $ 29 and you'll receive an NFL jacket of your favorite team. I would love to get a Steelers jacket, but I just wonder if this is a scam.
Rod Douglas, retired broadcaster
told that I would receive my Yan2 to 3 weekskees blanket in .
I subscribed last year and promptly received the blanket. Then I was offered the lifetime membership and decided to join that. They don’t make it clear that its about $360. They refund you the intial $24 by deducting it from the new fees. Fine. Received a box of various things. I chose the monthly payment plan and only at the end would I recieve a jacket. I got the jacket and it’s actually good quality. In the end, I don’t know if it was worth it. All the gifts kind of paid for itself so I got equal things back. The magazine doesn’t come out frequently enough to be of much value.
If I signed up for a free 30 day trial that comes with a free blanked, is there any way for them to charge me after the 30 days expires? I did not put my credit card number anywhere when I signed up, so I was just wondering if it is truly tree even after the 30 days.
For any of you having problems with this product, maybe this will help…
North American Membership Group
12301 Whitewater Dr.
Minnetonka, MN 55343
This is the website of the company that handles/runs the MLB Insiders Club
(952) 936-9333
I hope this helps you all!
Owner of Baseball
I am so happy i read all of these comments because we were about to send them their monthly checks to be a lifetime member for our son. However, after reading everyone’s thoughts we are def not sending them any money and will not become that special mlb lifetime member…Thank you!!! Go Phils!!!
Glad we could be of some assistance!
Thanks to all who have shared their experiences with the club. I just received an invitation in the mail to join the club. Based on what I’ve read here, I’ll just throw out the invitation. It seems to be the exception rather than the norm that the club keeps its promise of giving members a free blanket and All-Star Game program. The invitation states that the club also gives away free tickets and baseball gear. I suppose that’s not true either. The club just looks like an opportunity for them to sell you a bunch of stuff you don’t need and didn’t ask for.
I finally received my blanket from the MLB Incidersn Club along with a few other things. Sure did take along time to receive it. I’ve already paid for, so time
will tell if it’s worthwhile to be a member.
I finally received my Yankees blanket, but it was made from very cheap material like
what you would receive from K-Mart. I’ve
already joined the MLB Insiders Club, so I
will just see if it was worth while. Good
luck to anyone else who joined.
I was approached with an offer too.And i was lured in by that damn blanket.Dang! I just sent the check this week.Will report back on how things go.
attempted to log on to to enter in member giveaway,I did not get anywhere with it except to sign up for the club,which I’ve already done……….HELP! By the way,I did receive my first magazine,and I am enjoying the stories!
It looks as if I am the exception, but I actually kind of like the club. I got a car sticker, the fan intro pack and a nice Twins blanket as part of the deal. MLB Insiders Club was prompt and I continue to get the magazine on time. The rag is a bit thin, but very interesting and it provides stories that I don’t find elsewhere. I especially enjoy the fan-written articles.
The only thing I don’t get are baseball items, but I don’t need that hassle anyway. As far as the magazine being only a quarterly… they inform you of this right from the get-go. As for me, i’m satisfied.
I join this club and recived 2 membership cards with 2 different numbers. I paid my dues on the first one and then the second one came. I figured it was a mistake and they would fix it. I tried contacting them several times to no avail. Then I kept getting notices that I had failed to pay my dues and My subscription was being cancelled. This place is almost impossable to contact. Finally emailed them after 4 months with threats that I would take further action if they did not fix this.They cancelled the second number, but I still am not sure it was worth the hassle. I will let this year run and think long and hard before I reup next year
I have received every item they promised. My only problem is finding site to sign up for giveaways.
Hey All: Thanks for your comments! I initally joined the club in early Sept ’10 & promptly received NYY blanket, fan guide & All Star mag…….. good bathroom & beach reading material. I also received a book or 2, but after reading them, I returned & asked not to send anymore hard cover books. I just received my “chosen” to become LIFE MEMBER ….. wow I’m a lucky “guy”….. I’m glad I went to this website & read all comments ….. I was going to put Life Time Membership offer in Mondays mail.But afer reading all comments I just ripped up my envelope with “Life Time Membership” offer……… as an extra note; Google “MLB Insiders Club” there’s lots of valuable information about how they seem to be scamming dues and member readership ……. I’ll keep club for the year, then I’ll see about futher membership……..maybe it’ll get better, but somehow I doubt it…. we’ll see!! Oh, I also ripped off my iron on “MLB Lifetime Member” patch that I sooooo very much wanted to display from my Yankee jacket.
I forgot to add ……. a life lesson learned long time ago (but didn’t think):
If the deal sounds “to good to pass up” …’s best to pass! Right now, it’s best to pass on MLB Insiders Club. It’s not as good a deal as they claim to be (my opionon …..after reading all others)
That is pretty instresting
Still waiting for that favorite team “blanket” as part of my original membership fee!!!!????? No way would I consider their “lifetime” membership for over $300.00!!!!!!!!
just send me my fleece and the magazines that i paid for without the other solicitations
I joined in January, promptly received the Texas Rangers blanket (not much to it), then received a copy of the magazine a few weeks later. It is 64 pages long. “Insiders” is a bit of a stretch. Stories about Giants pitching, the Phillies rotation, and new rookie managers are a bit of old news. I was excited to read their “2011: The Season in Preview” but there was actually only 3 1/2 pages of writing. How does anyone preview the seasonin 3 pages AND about 1/2 of that was dedicated to “Phillies stockpile aces.”The dating of their information is apparent when I saw they picked Wainwright as the NL Cy Young winner. Guess their writers didn’t hear about his injury. Good News: its only 24 bucks and my 7-year old has a cool blanket.
I do not want any free gifts sent here or any specials for that matter.. called to explain this but only got” We are busy with other costumers ect..”..I want to send this book back don’t even want to open the package. I can’t afford the costs.please take me off your mailing list…..I paid for the magazine .. and that’s it …sincerely Estelle needham#10270595 wished i would have read this site before ordering the magazine…no more freebees…..
I am a MLB Insiders Club member and I love it! Everything I was supposed to get I have been recieving. I love the magazine, and I think it’s just a cool thing to do.
Wht a joke if I had known the magazine was only sent out 4 times a year I would not have subscribed.I just rceived a bill for 4yrs and Icancelled.
Thanks for the feedback John. That seems to be an issue a lot of people have expressed either through e-mail or on this site. Any insight you can add for fellow readers to make sure they don’t go through the same things you did?
I’m very glad I checked this review out. I signed up for the 30 day trial, and received my first issue. I thought the magazine was actually pretty good. I then received a solicitation for a “Gold leaf Babe Ruth card” for only 1.99 shipping.
I’ve been looking everywhere to find out how many issues came in a years subscription. I’m horrified that its only 4 and more so that I already got my first issue free! That means that $24 dollar subscription is for only 3 issues.
I did not receive any of the “free” gifts as they are only free for paying subscribers. I did however receive the welcome letter with discount code. Discount code is the only worthwhile incentive for the free trial.
Still deciding on that $24 dollar blanket though…
Thanks for your thoughts as well. Keep in mind, if you do sign up, the offers such as that one for $1.99 may be just the start of the cost. Myself and a number of other members were sent books for “free” and then were billed for them a month or so later.
This is the case where if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
I signed up for the 30 day trial and them cancelled within the 30 days by writing cancel on the first invoice. I’ve gotten 3 more invoices since then. I’ve responded 3 times with cancel on the invoice but apparently they ignore this process. I will call them tomorrow to see if I can get this resolved.
Avoid this offer like the plague!!
SAVE YOUR MONEY THEY ARE A FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They charged me 345.00 to be a life member and told me I was going to receive magazines for life . I only have gotten 3 in 6 months only after I complained. I was also supposed to receive a jacket,bag and some other things that I have yet to get. They are full of crap.There is no website to enter to win the supposed give aways. They just brush you off on the phone politely I must add but at the end of the call you know they just F*cked you with no grease. Good luck I am trying to get my money back.
Hi all,i just stumbledupon,so guess i should say hello here first.
Thanks for popping in and saying hello. We hope you come to the site often!
I am moving please change my mailing address to
roger adragna
122 glen rock rd
west kingston,rhode island
thank you for keeping me up-dated
roger adragna
Hi Roger,
Please note that we are not affiliated with MLB Insiders Club in any way! Therfore, you need to contact them directly in order to have your address changed in their system.
Thanks for the follow-up Pete.
Roger, I want you to be aware that I changed my address with them over two years ago and they still haven’t sent one magazine to the new address, it is still being forwarded. Good luck.