According to various sources, MLB Trade Rumors being one of them, the Red Sox Claim Casey Fien Off Waivers

Afternoon Edition

Welcome to what hopes to be a twice daily edition of forwarded baseball news aggregation from us here at Baseball

We will try to provide you with new, Tweets and more between the hours of 9:00am and 11:59am, our morning edition and noon until 5:00pm, our afternoon edition. Please feel free to tell us what you think of this new feature!

Now, on with the news…

A-Rod Will Talk To The Feds about PED dealers, connections, etc.

Thos are probably the same Feds as were mentioned in this post from the Mets camp: What YOU Say: PEDs: As we’ve already brought up here at Hot Foot, Mets shortstop Jose Reyes was questioned by Feds…

Meanwhile, ESPN is reports that the Tigers’ Cabrera says he doesn’t drink any more –

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