International Baseball Federation
Image via Wikipedia

A partnership has been made in the international baseball community. The International Baseball Federation (IBAF), which is the head of all international baseball events including the World Baseball Classic, has teemed with Pitch In For Baseball (PIFB) in order to provide equipment for youth groups in the baseball community around the world. The two federations will work together in order to put together enough baseball equipment for everyone who wants to play in the entire world.

According to the President of the IBAF, Dr. Harvey Schiller, “The IBAF is proud to be working with Pitch In For Baseball to grow the game of baseball worldwide by getting equipment into the hands of children who cannot afford it.”

Schiller further stated, “Baseball is a simple game that knows no restrictions on age, color or social status, and by getting equipment into the hands of children we will help raise not just the awareness of the sport, but their self-esteem and physical condition as well.”

pifbThose from PIFB were also excited about the partnership as their Executive Director David Rhode claimed, “The partnership with IBAF will serve as a catalyst to expand our mission to improve the social, emotional and physical well being of children through the game of baseball.”

The deal is set to begin during the second quarter of 2009 and it will start in specific places in both Africa and Europe. Since the real purpose of both organizations is to provide the best baseball atmosphere possible for the youth of the world to play baseball. The two partners want to be able to get their products to those in need on every continent in the world.

The IBAF was founded in 1938 and is recently attempting to put together information for the Olympic Committee to make a strong case for baseball coming back to the Olympics.

PIFB was founded in 2005 and has become the largest organization in the world that collects and redistributes new and used baseball and softball equipment to those in need around the globe.

Bill Jordan is a contributor to He can be reached by e-mail at

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