Week Seven’s Hottest Hitters


For those of you who thought that Kevin Youkilis of the Red Sox had a good week last week, check out the Chicago Cub’s OF Alfonzo Soriano’s figures this week! He has had the best week of any player all year long. If you think otherwise, let me know! Soriano hit 7 HRs with a BA & OBP over .500 to go along with double digits in runs & RBIs, too. Although, Youkilis did have 1 more SB in his hot week. 😉

Here was his week’s line: .516/.500/10/7/14/0 (BA/OBP/R/HR/RBI/SB).

On a side note, look who’s # 2 this week! You guessed it, Houston’s red HOT 1B/OF Lance Berkman with 4 more HRs and amazingly, 2 more SB’s too while hitting over .400 with an OBP over .500, too. WOW!

Rounding out the rest of this week’s top 10 hottest hitters in the MLB is KC’s OF Jose Guillen with 13 RBIs this past week, the Phillies SS, not off the DL, Jimmy Rollins (no surprise here) with 4 SB’s. I guess that ankle is doing a lot better.

The Marlin’s 2B Dan Uggla is back on this list with 2 HRs this week. Atlanta’s Chipper Jones (yawn) is on the list once again and doesn’t look to hit under .400 ant time soon even after having an injury scare (not really) this week.

The Angel’s DH/OF Garrett Anderson did not hit any bombs, but did hit .500 with a SB. Rox fans are saying “Troy who” after the week that replacement SS Clint Barmes had last week hitting .455 with a HR and a SB. Ok, he’s no Tulowitzki but he’s not doing bad thus far. 😉

The Dodger’s C and back up 3B, the versatile Russell Martin makes this list once again by hitting over .500 with another SB (he is a catcher, right?)

Last but not least is SD RF Brian Giles. It’s nice to have Brian hitting again, but I’m sure the Padres are glad to have anyone hitting these days (it’s been their biggest problem thus far)! He’s hitting over .400 with an OBP over .500, but without any power as of yet.

Here are the rest of the stats:


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