Baseball has been in existence since the 18th century, but there have been many changes in the way it’s played as well as the kind of equipment used for the game. Baseball balls (known simply as baseballs) used to be made of a rubber core (re-melted from old shoes, wrapped in yarn and leather), but rubber or cork cores (covered in horsehide or cowhide, wrapped in yarn or string) are the materials of choice today.

Types of Baseballs

Several types of training and practice balls are available to improve the strength and accuracy of players at all levels:

You should also consider:

Buying the Right Ball

Whether you’re an amateur or professional baseball player, choosing the right equipment is essential. While shopping for baseballs, you need one that fits your age, skill level and play type for proper play during a game or practice. Many players use an assortment of baseballs, so they can develop different skills or play on their own strengths during a game. It’s also a good idea to use worn-out balls for practice, and shift new balls into this reserve as soon as they show signs of wear and tear.

About the Author: J Mike loves straddling his two jobs. He works as an Online Marketing Manager for Red Raider Outfitter during day and loves to blog about fashion & sports when he is home. He loves to turn his thoughts on fashion & sports into words. Being a Texan who breathes sports, Mike loves to cheer for his team Texas Tech Red Raider during game days.

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