Enters an Elite Club
He did it! I won’t hide it anymore, but I am a Ken Griffey Jr. fan. I always have been even though my home team is not Seattle or the Reds. I just think that he has the sweetest swing I have ever seen! He hit a no-doubter over the right field wall off of Marlin’s left hander Mark Hendrickson. It was hit in the top of the first inning in front of under 15K fans which is just downright sinful!
Griffey became only the 6th player to reach this plateau. The other 5 are Sammy Sosa, Willie Mays, Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron and Barry*Bonds. Junior will pass Sosa on the list with just 10 more HRs and that feat should be done this year if he stays healthy.
It is my opinion, and other, that if Junior did not have 5 injury plagued years in a row as a member of the Reds, he would have hit well more than Bonds has to date. Just think, 5 healthy years for Griffey would easily mean a minimum of 20 HR/year and that would be an additional 100 HRs so he would have just reached 700 rather than 600 and if he had hit 30 in each of those years like he did last season, he would have around 750 by now at the age of 38 (Bonds, by the way, is 43)!
To me, he is the anti-Bonds, maybe it’s his contagious smile or how carefree he is with the media (usually J), but he’s just more personable or likeable than Bonds. Because of this factor, I am much more excited, as a baseball fan, of Griffey’s 600th HR than I ever was or will be with Bonds breaking Hank Aaron’s HR mark.
What do you all think? Share your thoughts on this issue in the comments section below.