It was the battle of the P’s Saturday August 17th 2013.  Panama vs. Pennsylvania for the Little League Senior Little League Championship which took place at Bangor, Maine, that afternoon team Panama became victorious defeating Pennsylvania by a score of 2-1.

The game ball belonged to Team Panama pitcher Javier Garcia who out pitched Kennett Square KAU LL (PA), allowing just four hits and struck out nine PA players.  There was a bit of a scare in the bottom of the 7th inning when PA, got a single and managed to get the tying run at third base and the winning run on second base. Yet Garcia came in with a fierceness of his fellow countryman, NY Yankee reliever Mariano Rivera, to induce a pop up to first base to end the game and win the championship!

With Rivera retiring this year, now he has another present coming!

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