Written by freelance writer Becky Wilcox
When the summer rolls around kids turn their thoughts to playing little league baseball. Parents have to make sure their kids get onto a little league team by signing the kids up right when registration begins. Once the registration process is over, it is time to purchase the equipment your kids will need to be competitive in little league baseball. Buying equipment is a great time to teach your kids the proper way to play the game and use the equipment so they do not get hurt:
Buy your Nike baseball cleats at least two weeks in advance of the opening of the season so that your little leaguer can get used to running in cleats. If your child has never tried to run in cleats before, then it is a brand new experience and you do not want him to have that new experience in front of his teammates.
The kind of baseball glove you buy will depend on the position your child wants to play. First base gloves have large catching areas and smaller pockets, while outfielder’s gloves have larger pockets but smaller catching areas. Gloves for catchers can take a lot of getting used to, so make sure you spend some time playing catch with your new catcher.
Help your child to break his glove in by using it and working it vigorously within the first week or two of purchase. You should also teach your child the importance of placing his pointer finger through the opening in the back to prevent injury to his hand.
Many little leagues provide bats, but it is always a good idea to get your child his own bat that he can get comfortable with. Find out the exact specifications that the league allows and then pick up the perfect bat for your child.
Shin Guards
Your kids will see the professionals wearing shin guards when they are up to bat and that will make your kids want shin guards. Removable shin guards are required by some little leagues, but they should be worn by every little league batter.
Batting Gloves
Batting gloves help your child to get a better grip on the bat and can also prevent blisters from forming on smaller hands.
Athletic Cup
All male little leaguers are required to wear a protective cup and athletic supporter. If you have a budding athlete in your home, then this is a good time to explain the importance of athletic protection.
Before your child takes the mound in his first little league game of the season, make sure that he has everything he needs to play like a champion. With the right equipment, this could be the best season yet!