Help Us Improve Baseball

During this busy Hot Stove Season we are taking this opportunity to ask you, our readers, what you like, dislike about Baseball Likewise, we want to know what you want to see more of and what you would like to see us write about that we don’t already do. To contribute your most important […]

2008 All Star Game @ Yankee Stadium

Here we are, it’s reader contribution time. I need you, the readers, to post your comments to the following question and I will post the answers as an update on Saturday the 28th. Who would you pick to start in the 2008 All Star game in Yankee Stadium? Please also add a closer and if […]

HR Milestones

[poll=8] Pete’s Pick: My choice would be Ramirez because if he gets hot, he’s capable of hitting 10+ in a given month (although he needs 3 more than Griffey).

On the DL Again: Baldelli, Schilling & Others

Will either of these two players play baseball in 2008? Roco has been hampered by injury in almost every year of his young professional career. Could this be the start of the end of his MLB career? I for one, hope not! He’s a talented player that I would have loved to have had on […]

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