Baseball in Australia 1953 – Bill Reay’s Story

My name is Bill Reay from Melbourne Australia.  I’m just starting some reports that hopefully interest people on the way baseball has developed in Australia since I took it up a long time ago. I started playing baseball when I was 19 years of age in 1953. I had never played before and a couple […]

Getting into “The Game”

My name is Pam Dawkins, known fondly as daughter number five, out of six…..daughters, to Bill and Elsie Reay.  As we grew up, Baseball was always a major part of our lives as dad played and coached for the Richmond Tigers, Dandenong Lions and then Springvale Lions Baseball Clubs.  The Reay family were a baseball […]

New Zealand announces provisional roster for World Baseball Classic qualifier

AUCKLAND – Baseball New Zealand is pleased to announce the provisional roster for the World Baseball Classic Qualifier being held in Taipei from 15-19 November 2012. The roster features some familiar names and faces to New Zealand baseball fans, including a cross section of the country’s domestic baseball talent and some exciting new Kiwi talent […]

Good Lamb-Hunting

Dancing between victory and heartbreak is a baseball routine Daniel Lamb-Hunt continues to learn. Recently, two days before he was due to fly out to Germany, his aspirations of a smooth travel were marred by an expired passport and a last-minute dash to Sydney making for “a very stressful day and a lesson learned” says […]

Bandit Kiwi makes his Marck in New Zealand Baseball

Return of the Marck For 22 year old Andrew Marck, it seems his career has come full circle, from a dream he formed age 6 at the Howick-Pakuranga baseball club which was realised on Sunday at the 2012 National Championships. Over three days, seven teams played 18 games in the biggest competition on Baseball New […]

Baseball in Australia, why not?

A love of sport is inherent in our Aussie genes, – if we aren’t playing it, we’re watching it, if we aren’t watching it, we are talking about it.  In a country where surfing and snowboarding competitions are run simultaneously, our climate and landscape is naturally engineered to accommodate our obsession. In a population where […]

Brisbane Bandits – It’s A Wrap!

This article was co-written by Alexis Brudnicki Baseball is essentially a game of numbers. And after hitting numerous milestones, superseding many expectations and accumulating a list of firsts, the Brisbane Bandits are winners this season despite an early finish. They had 22 home games and 23 on the road for the up to 24-man roster. […]

An Interview with Brisbane Bandits 2B/Captain Brad Dutton

Leading the Brisbane Bandits and one half of the ‘Bash Brothers’,  29-year-old second baseman Brad Dutton takes five minutes to talk family, the Cubs and playing for Australia… You have been playing baseball from a very young age – what does the game mean to you? I’ve been playing baseball since I was five, it […]

A Labour of Love – Meet the Team Behind the Bandits

A love of baseball can make you do crazy things.  Like the players, the majority of the volunteers have day jobs and work for the Brisbane Bandits up to five times a week.  Few have even crossed continents, hailing as a far as Canada, to share their love of the game on their own time […]

Andrew ‘Soupy’ Campbell, Just What the Bandits Ordered

During the summer, your typical 19-year-old Australian male is doing everything but hard work. Luckily for the Brisbane Bandits, Andrew ‘Soupy’ Campbell isn’t your stock-standard teenager, who has been busy slugging away, laying the foundations for a career in baseball.   Just a few months older than catcher Ryan Battaglia and pitcher Josh Warner, Campbell […]

Not Goofing Around in the ABL: Bandits 1B David Sutherland

Towering over the plate at 6’6, the opposition are duly intimidated.  His name causes an eruption from what seems like his own personal cheer squad who attend every one of his games.  Puzzled looks are exchanged in the crowd; there is nothing ‘Goofy’ about this player’s presence. Dubbed “one of the quietest players in the […]

The Dual-Threat Duttons of the Australian Baseball League

We’ve celebrated the John’s, the Waugh’s and the Chappell’s, now meet Australia’s new sibling sporting super duo – the Dutton’s.  Despite the four year age gap and careers in baseball that have separated them by continents, they are united again, for a second season with the Brisbane Bandits. Guided by their rugby league and baseball […]

An Interview With Brisbane Bandits (ABL) and Red Sox Prospect Pitcher, Justin Erasmus

Maturity and success aren’t always aligned with years on the diamond; just ask Australian sensation Justin Erasmus.  The Boston Red Sox know this, having snapped Erasmus up as a free agent at just 17.  This now 21-year-old right handed pitcher is carving his name around the globe in baseball. Currently on the Brisbane Bandits roster, […]

At Last, Local Baseball in Australia is in A League of Its Own

With US backing, the ABL is thriving, writes David Sygall  Written by David Sygall A striking aspect of baseball’s opening night is the level of confidence emanating from the tight community of fans, players and officials associated with a sport that acts nothing like a domestic fringe dweller.   And, it’s not just about mimicking […]

2011/2012 Brisbane Bandits (of the ABL) Imports

Editor’s Note: The ABL is the Australian Baseball League, a professional league in its second season after a long absence. Kevin Jordan, Head Coach  Kevin Jordan (born October 9, 1969 in San Francisco, California) is a retired Major League Baseball infielder who played for the Philadelphia Phillies from 1995 to 2001. He also played a […]

Australian Baseball League Launched…Again

They come from the land Down Under and they hope to make a splash with professional baseball in Australia. They’ve tried this before, but let’s hope it sticks this time around. Watch the video below for a brief history of the game in Australia, and maybe it will shed some light as to what went […]

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