How To Field Grounders From A To Z!

Here is an alphabetized list of baseball fielding tips for grounders. All bases are covered. Sorry, but the pun was intended. Arm Extension: You should extend your arms almost straight out and field the ball in front of your body. You should never field grounders near your body or underneath your body. In at least […]

Do Not Listen To These Popular Coaching Tips!

Here is a list of seven baseball coaching tips or beliefs that were either wrong from the start or have become totally obsolete: Come On Johnny, Get Your Elbow Up: The reference is to the height of the back elbow when hitting. You will very often hear this hollered to a young player by a […]

Do You Know When Not To Slide Into Second Base?

If you are a runner on first base and a ground ball is headed to the second baseman, make a quick observation as to where the second baseman is going to field the ball. If the second baseman has to go pretty far to his left to field the grounder, it would be very wise […]

Field as a team, win as a team

Baseball is definitely a sport that requires an entire team to win a ball game. That’s why practice is so important. If you can learn to practice as a team, then you will want to play as a team as well.  When it comes to fielding in baseball, everybody has to be at the right […]

No Glove Fielding Drill In Little League Baseball

  Growing up playing baseball, I always loved the infield. I started out playing shortstop and then ultimately ended up playing second base. I loved fielding grounders. It was my favorite part about practice and come game time, it was always exciting to have a grounder come my way. Sometimes though, as I think everybody […]

DUGOUT LINGO: “Cage-Killer”

Sometimes, you just can’t get out of the cage. We’ve all been there – you hit ball after ball after ball up into the netting above you. You try to comfort yourself – How far up is this thing today? – as though the cage’s location on the field was robbing you of no-doubt homers. You […]

Hitting Drills using Two Batting Tees to “Stay” Fundamentally Sound

Three important ingredients of a good baseball swing are staying compact, staying inside the ball, and staying through the ball. The following drills involve using two batting tees. These drills work on good hitting fundamentals and just as important, give hitters a better understanding of what those ingredients mean. 1. “High, Low tee drill” develops […]

Make the Players the Coaches: Team Fielding Drill for Guaranteed Fun

Let me warn you that this drill is only for kids under the age of thirteen. As all coaches know, once kids hit the age of thirteen, their personalities change and this drill will not work very well. In fact, try this and coaches will get the “Are you serious” look from players. However, for […]

Follow the Batted Ball

One of the things those of us in stats all want to do is to go from step A to step F without explaining the steps in between. The main goal in this section is to avoid skipping steps. In the introductory article I mentioned batted ball statistics. Before I move onto those statistics I […]

Baseball is a Head Game and How to Fix It

This article is probably not what you think. You are probably thinking I am talking about what baseball players should be thinking about on the ball field – the mental game of baseball. Actually, this article is about the physical aspect of a baseball player’s head and how important the location of the head is […]

A Case for Sabermetrics

Image via Wikipedia In the past few months I have been gathering monthly author for Baseball Reflections so that I could write on a more relaxed basis and produce more detailed work. This article is the first postto that effect. A version of it was previously posted over at RBI Magazine back on March 12th. […]

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