Baseball Tips On Hitting: Ten Basics You Really Should Know!

I truly believe in giving a baseball hitter some good guidelines and starting points and then “backing off.” Here are ten very good guidelines and then it’s going to be up to you. 1. Stand close enough to the plate so that when you’re bent over slightly at the waist, you can extend the bat […]

You Really Should Learn How To Hit To The Opposite Field!

By now, we’ve all heard the expression, “hit it where it’s pitched.” It’s very frustrating for a baseball pitcher when he throws a perfect low and away strike and the batter hits the ball to the opposite field for a hit. Most baseball pitchers will realize immediately how well schooled this particular baseball hitter is. […]

Baseball Tips On Hitting: This Probably Gets My Vote For Number One!

The directness of the baseball swing should be right near the top of your list of baseball tips on hitting if you are seriously trying to be a very successful baseball hitter or if you are coaching baseball hitters. You must swing directly to the baseball and the front elbow should be pointed downward when […]

Baseball Tips On Hitting: Productive Outs Win Ballgames!

Sometimes it’s a little thing that helps win a baseball game. It’s not always what makes the headlines in the newspapers or something that draws the most attention. “Productive outs” definitely fit into the category of little things that aren’t so little at all. Possibly what you thought was a very big hit in a […]

How To Properly Make Adjustments On The Mound!

As a baseball pitcher, you absolutely must make pitching adjustments throughout a game. Just as you make your adjustments, remember that the good baseball hitters will adjust to you also, which is one of the reasons they are good hitters. If you made a good hitter look bad on a changeup, he’s going to adjust. […]

How To Recognize A Curve Ball Very Quickly!

6 Recognizing a curve ball quickly is not an easy thing to do. Hitting a well located curve is not easy either. That’s why you will hear the expression, “He’s a good fastball hitter” ten times for every one time you will hear, “He’s a good curve ball hitter.” I’m well aware that part of […]

Suicide Squeeze Bunt: All You Should Know From A To Z!

A major advantage of the suicide squeeze bunt over the safety squeeze bunt is that the bunter does not have to make an exceptionally good bunt to get the runner in from third base on the suicide squeeze. Many very good baseball authorities will teach their base runner on third base to break for the […]

The Soft Toss Drill Is Fabulous If You Use It Properly!

The baseball hitting benefits of the soft toss drill are incredible but this drill must be done properly. The soft toss drill is one of the best baseball coaching drills around and please don’t ever sell it short. It is a great time saver to break a bad habit, get into a good habit or […]

How To Advance An Important Base Runner Can Win The Game!

With an important runner on second base and no outs, try to drive the ball the opposite way if you are a right-handed batter or try to pull the ball if you are a left-handed batter. You have a much better chance of advancing an important runner on a grounder to the second baseman or […]

Baseball Tips On Hitting: You Better Be Moving Your Head!

It is very important to make sure your head is turned and facing the pitcher to ensure that you get a good view of the pitch that will soon follow. Your head should be totally relaxed and pretend that you are simply watching TV. Make sure both the front shoulder and arm are completely out […]

Baseball Pitching Tips On The Intimidation Factor!

There is no reason on earth why a pitcher should ever be intimidated by any batter! I don’t care how good or how great a baseball hitter he is. I totally respect any baseball hitter, whether they are an excellent baseball hitter or a weak hitter. But let’s remember a few things. Even the great […]

Being Ahead In The Count Is Critical For You!

The ability of a baseball hitter to get the count in his favor will very often determine how much success he has. With counts of 2-0 or 3-1, there isn’t any such thing as a mediocre swing, late swing, weak swing or check swing at a pitch. The batter should have the buttons on his […]

How To Overcome A Fear Of The Baseball

First of all, please realize that if you have a fear of the baseball, you are not alone. Just the opposite is true. In fact, almost all baseball hitters at every level have a fear of the baseball to one extent or the other. True, the amount of fear does vary significantly. You may have […]

Eight Baseball Hitting Tips For Your Success!

Here is a list of eight very good baseball tips on hitting that are highly recommended to help you be successful. 1. A Balanced And Workable Stance. All good athletes are balanced almost all the time no matter what sport we are talking about. It gives you a solid, comfortable foundation, which is where baseball hitting […]

A Totally Bizarre Way To Raise Your Batting Average!

If you are struggling at the plate, what you should attempt to do is to hit every pitch at the pitcher‘s belt buckle. And no, I haven’t lost my mind and I resent that you’re thinking that I’ve lost it. Try to do this on every pitch, no matter what type of pitch it is […]

The Number One Baseball Hitting Problem On Earth!

A “quick hip” is when the front hip opens a fraction of a second early. It is a very common baseball hitting problem and a very serious one for many hitters at all levels of play. The swing itself should force the front hip open. If the hip opens a fraction of a second too […]

Baseball Pitching Tips: How You Will Benefit By Being Unpredictable!

Let’s switch sports to football, but just for a second. I thoroughly enjoy it when a quarterback throws a “bomb” for a touchdown on first down. The reason for the successful “bomb” is usually that it was unpredictable and most likely the defense was looking for a running play. I think you know where we’re […]

Baseball Tips On Hitting: Your Baseball Hitting Style Belongs To You Only!

Your baseball hitting style is what you do at the plate before you swing the bat and baseball hitting mechanics are what you do when you are actually swinging the bat. If a coach wants to help you improve your baseball hitting mechanics, that’s one thing. But your very personal hitting style is an entirely […]

Baseball Tips On Hitting: How Practice Is Mandatory For Your Success!

You’ve got to go out and hit, hit, hit and then hit some more. Some professional players take 500 swings a day in the off season. It’s not by accident or good fortune that some of them bat .330 or hit 45 home runs. Maybe that’s why they are professional hitters, because they pay the […]

Baseball Tips On Hitting: How You Stride When Hitting Is Critical!

Exactly when you should start your stride varies among hitters. Usually, the stride begins a fraction of a second before the pitcher releases the ball and that’s my preference. Many teach that the stride should start when you see the pitcher pivot on the rubber and the hitter can see the pitcher’s rear end. That […]

Preseason Timing Tips for Hitting

I have seen so many kids season ruined before the season even gets close to starting. Dad or team coach takes player(s) to the batting cages and sets the speed at game speed on their first day of hitting, after a long offseason. It is important to realize that hitters’ eyes are not close to […]

How Players And Coaches Should Deal With A Hitting Slump!

Very simply, a baseball hitting slump occurs because of something that you are now doing that is mechanically incorrect when swinging the bat or it can be something that you were doing correctly and now you are not doing it. In other words, either you have developed a bad habit or have gotten away from […]

Hitting Drills using Two Batting Tees to “Stay” Fundamentally Sound

Three important ingredients of a good baseball swing are staying compact, staying inside the ball, and staying through the ball. The following drills involve using two batting tees. These drills work on good hitting fundamentals and just as important, give hitters a better understanding of what those ingredients mean. 1. “High, Low tee drill” develops […]

Which Side Of The Rubber Should You Pitch From?

I’ll gladly give you my input about pitching from different sides of the rubber but ultimately you will have to decide what works best for you and where you are comfortable. There are many baseball theories on this but ultimately you will have the final say because you are doing the pitching. Usually, but not […]

The Long Toss: A Pitcher Will Benefit Tremendously From Long Tossing!

The “long toss” is simply a throwing session where you start out fairly close to your throwing partner, then gradually increase the distance between the two of you. You finish the drill by then gradually decreasing the distance until you are back to the distance you originally started from. Many very good authorities believe that […]

Baseball Tips On Hitting: Your Front Shoulder And Elbows Are Critical!

Let’s look at several important baseball tips on hitting involving the front shoulder and the elbows, particularly the back elbow. Your Front Shoulder: 1. It should go straight into the pitch and toward the pitcher and NOT fly open. 2. The front shoulder must be kept closed until the swing itself forces it to open. […]

How To Properly Expand The Strike Zone Is Critical!

Whenever you are ahead in the count, you should “expand the strike zone.” No, let’s rephrase that. You must expand the strike zone! That simply means throwing a pitch off the plate, that’s actually a ball. Or throwing a pitch too high or too low that is out of the strike zone. Let’s be clear […]

Valuable Tips so Your Batting Tee is not a Waste of Money

One thing I always ask my baseball and softball students is “How many of you have a batting tee?” and the answer is usually encouraging with a number of hands being raised. I follow that up with “How many of you use your batting tee regularly? To which very few hands shoot up. I admire […]

Baseball Pitching Tips: How You Hide Your Grip Is Critical!

For something that’s very important, I’m quite surprised hiding your grip isn’t talked about or taught more. How many things can be more detrimental for a pitcher than tipping off his pitches to opposing players and their coaches? Trust me. Players, coaches and managers will look for opposing pitchers that tip off their pitches! For […]

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