Matt’s Interview with President George W. Bush

Hey baseball fans! Today I have a very special interview for you. Probably my biggest one yet. It’s with a very famous political figure in American history and someone who I am very honored to have interviewed via email. He used to be the President of the United States, and actually co-owned the Texas Rangers […]
A’s work out details to make MLB doubleheader a reality
Editor’s Note: This post was originally posted to Kevin’s Examiner page! Not since Bill Clinton was in the White House and Beavis and Butthead were childishly giggling their ways into our living rooms have the Oakland A’s done what they will do next year. For the first time in 15 years, the A’s will conduct […]
Clemens’ Costanza Impression and Strasburg’s Strike Out
Two major off field episodes occurred this week that merits comment. The first is Roger Clemens’ continued denial even in the face of overwhelming evidence that he did not use steroids. When reports surfaced that proved he did indeed use enhancements, he was indicted for perjury before a Congressional committee. There are two ways to […]