The Shot Heard ‘Round the World
By Harvey Frommer Throughout the long history of baseball there have been poignant, exciting, dramatic moments. But very few can compare to what happened on October 3, 1951 at the old Coogan’s Bluff.” Others, especially in Brooklyn, call it “Dat Day.” But no matter what label is applied it was a time to remember. […]
A Moment in Time, A Book Review
It’s amazing how fast one’s life can change. In one split second on October 3,1951 aveteran pitcher with multiple All Star appearances went from being one of the most respected players in baseball to forever being known as a goat. When Brooklyn Dodger right hander Ralph Branca gave up the homerun to New York […]
The Giants and Dodges Rivalry is better than the Yanks and Red Sox!
Well, the three game series in Los Angeles did not go well for the Giants. It did go better than being swept in San Diego. The one game that the Giants won was a 9-0 combined shutout thrown by the starter and Giants ace, Tim Lincecum. Lincecum also got three hits in the game. One […]