Remembering Robby (Part 3)

Major League Baseball rightfully celebrates Jackie Robinson Day every April 15, the day he broke the color barrier in 1947. I met my all-time favorite player twice –once as a teenager and then as an adult. Both moments still stay with me. HARVEY FROMMER: When school was out, I sometimes went around with my father […]

Wonderful reactions to Part I, so here as we approach “Jackie Robinson Day” in Major League Baseball is Part II. Enjoy. Growing up Years Jerry and Mallie Robinson were impoverished sharecroppers who lived in Cairo, Georgia. Jerry deserted the family six months after Jackie was born in 1919. Mallie, strong, religious, family oriented moved her […]

There will be a lot of hype and hoopla, praise and stock taking this year of 2019 which marks, the 100th anniversary of Jack Roosevelt Robinson’s birth. April 15 is a marker day in baseball – the dramatic day he broke baseball’s color line in 1947. I have written about so many illustrious sports figures. […]
13 Things You Probably Did Not Know About Jackie Robinson

With hype and hullabaloo in the air over the 2018 All Star Game and all of its sidebars, my thoughts somehow turn to Jackie Robinson, a six-time all star and my all-star of all stars. Much is known about him, but there are quite a few things that are not. For your Number 42 consciousness […]
Remembering Jackie Robinson

He was born in Cairo, Georgia on the last day of January in 1919, and died on October 24, 1972 in Stamford, Connecticut. Robinson attended UCLA, where he won letters in three sports. He was in the Army during World War II and then played briefly in the Negro Leagues when the war ended. He […]
The Shot Heard ‘Round the World
By Harvey Frommer Throughout the long history of baseball there have been poignant, exciting, dramatic moments. But very few can compare to what happened on October 3, 1951 at the old Coogan’s Bluff.” Others, especially in Brooklyn, call it “Dat Day.” But no matter what label is applied it was a time to remember. […]
Branch Rickey: An Undercover Social Entrepreneur
Image via Wikipedia Part 1 of 2 Not many people have heard of Branch Rickey, but most have heard of Jackie Robinson, the man who is credited with breaking baseball’s color line. What most do not realize is that without Rickey, there may have never been a Robinson. While Robinson is credited with what is […]