A SABR Tour of Candlestick Park

Recently, I had the great pleasure of taking a tour of Candlestick Park, one of the ‘homes’ of my youth. It was done through my SABR group, the Lefty O’Doul chapter. SABR is Society for American Baseball Research, a group devoted to baseball—both to baseball’s history and to its statistics. I happen to enjoy both […]

Remembering San Francisco’s Candlestick Park & thoughts on the 2014 Giants

Within a few short months, Candlestick Park will no longer be there, and will be demolished. I’m still not sure what will replace it. Nothing can replace it in my heart. The baseball Giants played there from 1960 to 1999 and the football 49ers played there from 1971 to 2013. The 49ers are moving down […]

SF Giants Step it Up in July

The Giants are the hottest team in baseball!! Now, say that “Three times fast. July was a great month for the Giants. At one point, the Giants won twenty of twenty-five games, something that they’ve done only three times since they’ve been in San Francisco (1965, 1978, and now, 2010). I was concerned with how […]

A Preview of Opening Day For the SF Giants

Ah, Opening Day!! There really is nothing else quite like it. It is the start of a new season, with new hopes, and new anxieties. I have been to every San Francisco Giants Opening Day from 1988 to 2009, with the exception of 1995. (I was upset about the Baseball Strike of 1994, and skipped […]

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