Twins’ Time to Call Somebody

Call someone in to fix this mess. Call a few people and let them know that they need to start looking for new employers at the end of the season. Call in some grief counselors for the fans of this “team”. The Twins are beyond just being in trouble, this is another season that is […]
Baseball Tips On Hitting: Your Baseball Hitting Style Belongs To You Only!
Your baseball hitting style is what you do at the plate before you swing the bat and baseball hitting mechanics are what you do when you are actually swinging the bat. If a coach wants to help you improve your baseball hitting mechanics, that’s one thing. But your very personal hitting style is an entirely […]
Baseball Tips On Hitting: How You Stride When Hitting Is Critical!
Exactly when you should start your stride varies among hitters. Usually, the stride begins a fraction of a second before the pitcher releases the ball and that’s my preference. Many teach that the stride should start when you see the pitcher pivot on the rubber and the hitter can see the pitcher’s rear end. That […]
How Players And Coaches Should Deal With A Hitting Slump!
Very simply, a baseball hitting slump occurs because of something that you are now doing that is mechanically incorrect when swinging the bat or it can be something that you were doing correctly and now you are not doing it. In other words, either you have developed a bad habit or have gotten away from […]
Game Theory Application in Pitching Sequences
game theory -? noun: a mathematical theory that deals with strategies for maximizinggains and minimizing losses within prescribed constraints, as therules of a card game: widely applied in the solution of variousdecision-making problems, as those of military strategy andbusiness policy. Through my time as a professional poker player in college, I dabbled and experimented and […]
Teaching Hitters to Make Adjustments and How to Hit Mariano Rivera
I must admit that I would not make a very good major league hitting coach, even though I played at that level and even though I have been teaching hitting ever since retiring from pro ball twenty two years ago. The reason is simple – big league hitters would not make the hitting adjustments that […]
Out With the Old And In With the New in Arizona for the D-Backs
Have you lost track of who is doing what for the Arizona Diamondbacks these days? You are not alone. In the month since Kevin Towers has been named the new general manager of the Arizona Diamondbacks, Towers has certainly put his stamp on the ballclub. In addition to removing the interim tag from manager Kirk Gibson‘s […]
What Did I Miss?
OK. It’s been over a month since I last posted. I’ll blame it on computer issues (including the fact that I erased everything on my hard drive). Now that I’ve recovered, what did I miss? Phillies Caught Cheating In the best tradition of the ’51 Giants, the Mets claimed that Phillies bullpen coach Mick Billmeyer […]