How To Hit Tough Low And Away Strikes!

When trying to overcome any baseball hitting struggles, you should always look for the “easy fix” first before getting more complicated. Why get overly involved and complex unless necessary? You simply can’t bombard a baseball hitter with the thirty five thing necessary for the so called perfect baseball swing. The finest hitters on the planet […]
You Really Should Learn How To Hit To The Opposite Field!

By now, we’ve all heard the expression, “hit it where it’s pitched.” It’s very frustrating for a baseball pitcher when he throws a perfect low and away strike and the batter hits the ball to the opposite field for a hit. Most baseball pitchers will realize immediately how well schooled this particular baseball hitter is. […]
How To Get To Know Your Plate Umpire Very Quickly!

If while pitching, you have the very good fortune to have a plate umpire who is calling strikes on pitches not in the strike zone, don’t feel any obligation whatsoever to throw strikes. If he is calling them high, why should you bring your pitches down? If he is calling them low, why should you […]
Baseball Tips On Hitting: Productive Outs Win Ballgames!
Sometimes it’s a little thing that helps win a baseball game. It’s not always what makes the headlines in the newspapers or something that draws the most attention. “Productive outs” definitely fit into the category of little things that aren’t so little at all. Possibly what you thought was a very big hit in a […]
Baseball Tips: How To Focus On Three Things To Improve Your Hitting!
I believe hitters are way too often bombarded with too many baseball tips on hitting. The guilty culprits are often teammates, coaches, parents and occasionally even your Aunt Mary. Take your time and take hitting in stride. No pun intended. Try to learn a little bit at a time and you will be just fine. […]
Preseason Timing Tips for Hitting
I have seen so many kids season ruined before the season even gets close to starting. Dad or team coach takes player(s) to the batting cages and sets the speed at game speed on their first day of hitting, after a long offseason. It is important to realize that hitters’ eyes are not close to […]
One Umpire’s Perspective on a Batter’s Approach at the Plate
When I was younger I had a great eye for pitches thrown for balls & strikes. I almost never got called out on strikes, but over the last 2 seasons (and over 20 years later) in my over 30 baseball league I have been called out on pitches thrown on the outside corner (some teammates […]
Valuable Tips so Your Batting Tee is not a Waste of Money
One thing I always ask my baseball and softball students is “How many of you have a batting tee?” and the answer is usually encouraging with a number of hands being raised. I follow that up with “How many of you use your batting tee regularly? To which very few hands shoot up. I admire […]
Coaching Tips: Mind Games Between The Pitcher And The Hitter!
As you advance to older levels of play, you will find that many baseball hitters will play certain mind games with the pitcher and pitchers will do the same with hitters. Personally, I would not recommend getting involved in any mind games until the high school level of play or higher whether you are the […]
The Flex Stance and Studying the Pitcher
When using the flex-stance, the key to making it work starts with knowing when to be flexible. You can use all three stances – the standard stance, which is medium open with your front foot 8-12 inches away from the inside chalk; the open stance with your front foot 12-18 inches off the inside chalk; […]
The Flex Stance and Studying the Pitcher
When using the flex-stance, the key to making it work starts with knowing when to be flexible. You can use all three stances – the standard stance, which is medium open with your front foot 8-12 inches away from the inside chalk; the open stance with your front foot 12-18 inches off the inside chalk; […]
Hall of Famer Rod Carew on Setting up the Pitcher
Just as a pitcher can set up a batter, I feel a hitter can set up a pitcher. Hitting is a science. From preparing yourself with tools and studying your opponent, to analyzing your stance and how to get the best of your opponent; it’s a thinking man’s game from start to finish. With the […]