Nine Innings/Questions with DoubleG Sports on the Yankees

If you like what you read below, check out more from Charlie Mule at! This is another in the series of articles where I ask fellow bloggers from the Baseball Bloggers Alliance (BBA) 9 innings worth of questions about their team. The goal is to do this for as many teams as possible (all 30 would […]

You’ve got to love baseball when the benches clear and a good old fashioned brawl is brewing. Even little leaguers know that retaliation is par for the course. We were a little disappointed during the June 11th game between the Atlanta Braves and San Diego Padres because well, no punches were thrown. The verbal confrontation […]
How To Hit Tough Low And Away Strikes!

When trying to overcome any baseball hitting struggles, you should always look for the “easy fix” first before getting more complicated. Why get overly involved and complex unless necessary? You simply can’t bombard a baseball hitter with the thirty five thing necessary for the so called perfect baseball swing. The finest hitters on the planet […]
Baseball Tips On Hitting: Ten Basics You Really Should Know!

I truly believe in giving a baseball hitter some good guidelines and starting points and then “backing off.” Here are ten very good guidelines and then it’s going to be up to you. 1. Stand close enough to the plate so that when you’re bent over slightly at the waist, you can extend the bat […]
How To Advance An Important Base Runner Can Win The Game!
With an important runner on second base and no outs, try to drive the ball the opposite way if you are a right-handed batter or try to pull the ball if you are a left-handed batter. You have a much better chance of advancing an important runner on a grounder to the second baseman or […]
How To Overcome A Fear Of The Baseball
First of all, please realize that if you have a fear of the baseball, you are not alone. Just the opposite is true. In fact, almost all baseball hitters at every level have a fear of the baseball to one extent or the other. True, the amount of fear does vary significantly. You may have […]
The Number One Baseball Hitting Problem On Earth!
A “quick hip” is when the front hip opens a fraction of a second early. It is a very common baseball hitting problem and a very serious one for many hitters at all levels of play. The swing itself should force the front hip open. If the hip opens a fraction of a second too […]
Scouting Seattle’s Erasmo Ramirez

Scouting Seattle Mariners’ Erasmo Ramirez 6/30/12 vs Boston Red Sox Over the weekend I had a chance to catch Seattle right hander Erasmo Ramirez. This was my first time seeing Ramirez after hearing a lot about him. He has had some success while being a big leaguer, so I decided to take a look at […]