How To Advance An Important Base Runner Can Win The Game!

With an important runner on second base and no outs, try to drive the ball the opposite way if you are a right-handed batter or try to pull the ball if you are a left-handed batter. You have a much better chance of advancing an important runner on a grounder to the second baseman or […]

How To Bunt Efficiently Is A Great Offensive Weapon!

During every at bat, it costs you absolutely nothing to take a sneaky and very quick glance and see where the first baseman and third baseman are playing. You will occasionally see one of them six or seven steps behind the bag and you can get a hit that is really “on the house.” Right-Handed […]

Baseball Tips On Hitting: How You Stride When Hitting Is Critical!

Exactly when you should start your stride varies among hitters. Usually, the stride begins a fraction of a second before the pitcher releases the ball and that’s my preference. Many teach that the stride should start when you see the pitcher pivot on the rubber and the hitter can see the pitcher’s rear end. That […]

Which Side Of The Rubber Should You Pitch From?

I’ll gladly give you my input about pitching from different sides of the rubber but ultimately you will have to decide what works best for you and where you are comfortable. There are many baseball theories on this but ultimately you will have the final say because you are doing the pitching. Usually, but not […]

Knowing Your Platoon Splits

Platoons. Baseball Managers are well-known for using them all the time to play the odds and help ensure a better success rate. Knowing players’ tendencies and acting on them has long been a strategy employed by baseball Managers (early notables include Earl Weaver and Casey Stengel)and coaches alike. Not content to simply utilize lefty-righty matchups in their […]

Rod Carew’s Hitting Tips: Making Contact, Step 1 – The Setup

Everything has a starting point. The starting point of making contact – the starting point of becoming a successful hitter – is the setup.  On the surface, it might seem like a rather simple or even natural process; but it’s a very important aspect of your quest to becoming a good hitter. As you start […]

Baseball News, Tweets & More: Tuesday pm

Image by mikeleeorg via Flickr Tuesday Afternoon Edition Check out this interview with possible # 1 draft pick Bryce Harper on @Jerry_Remy: Today in Sports Cover Story: #redsox Youkilis finding inspiration in strange places & With all the talk regarding #RedSox offense there’s pressure on Papi to perform right out of gate-I […]

Friday Night Links

For the next month or so we will be highlighting some products, companies or sites in an attempt to supply you, the loyal Baseball Reflections readers, with some holiday gift ideas for the baseball player(s) in your life. Meyvn Baseball Company If you’re like me, you’ll want to know why co-founders Richie Benes and Merrell […]

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