Become a Social Media Master with CoSchedule

One of the hardest things to maintain over the almost 9 years (it will be 9 years this October) running is a vibrant social media presence. Tools that allow you to submit posts to social media tend to have access to sites such as Twitter and Facebook, but usually not Google+, etc. Even then, […]

Fans for Hustle … A new movement by Fans

In an age of 9-digit contracts, fans deserve more than watching a ballplayer trot down the line or witnessing a player misplay a routine fly ball due to a poor effort. But, what is a fan to do? Shake their head in disgust or boo the offenders?  Not anymore. A new sports movement, Fans for […]

A Conversation with Nicole L. Burdett, Stats Supervisor at MLBAM

Thanks to LinkedIn, which has been a great source finding contacts for previous interviews, writers, etc., we have the pleasure of interviewing Nicole L. Burdett, Stats Supervisor at MLB Advanced Media (MLBAM). I started out asking Nicole what she did for work before being employed by MLB and how she got the job. She said, […]

We Need Your Help!

Help Promote Baseball Reflection Around the World Wide Web! Dear readers, I write to you today to ask you a favor. But before I do, I’d like to thank you for your patronage. Whether you are here for the first time, here on a daily basis or something in between. Thank you. These sites and […]

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