In Baseball, Younger Siblings Steal More Bases
By Tom Jacobs Evolutionary theory suggests younger siblings take more risks. New research finds that is true — at least on the baseball diamond. Younger siblings are more prone to taking risks. That is a long-standing theory of University of California, Berkeley, evolutionary psychologist Frank Sulloway, who argues this behavior is a reaction to their […]
Miller-McCune on Baseball
In a March 16th article in Miller-McCune online, Tom Jacobs wrote about the possible bias in baseball, pop-ups and economics. The article was titled, “Race Ball: Our National Pastime?“. I found the first section on race to be inconclusive as the dates they researched were from three different date ranges 1954-1968, early 70’s to early […]
MLB Predictions By the Numbers
The Miller-McCune article by Tom Jacobs that I am referencing today is a mathematical copyrighted model created to predict divisional outcomes in Major League Baseball. The article is entitled, “Baseball’s Best Teams Are…2009 Edition” which you can read in it’s entirety by following the previously provided link. This model was created by associate professor of […]