Does The Commissioner Of Baseball Understand Baseball?

It needs to be said and put out there: There is a chance that the Major League Baseball’s commissioner might not totally get the game which we call Baseball.   Since January 2015, Rob Manfred has been manning the chief seat of Baseball. Manfred’s forerunner has been more or less a caretaker, conscientiously obeying team […]

The Hitting Version of Sandy Koufax

Hey baseball fans! There were many stars in baseball in the 1940s and ’50s that came out of the Giants, Cardinals, Braves, Yankees, Red Sox and Tigers. But this post is about a very underrated Hall of Famer who played mainly on the Pirates. He had a very short career, but is considered one of […]

Upon Further Review: Who’s the Greatest Pitcher Ever?

This article was written by Alexander Herd. Since the beginning of the “Upon Further Review” series, we’ve looked at several different aspects to the game of baseball. From first basemen who may make the Hall to the importance and significance of a closer. In this installment, Vinny Ginardi and Greg Kaplan are going to try […]

A Review of High Heat: The Secret History of the Fastball by Tim Wendel

The Hardcover version The full title of this book is “High Heat: the Secret History of the Fastball and the Improbable Search for the Fastest Pitcher of All Time”. Its chapters are named after different aspects of pitching: The Windup, The Pivot, The Stride, The Arm Acceleration, The Release, The Follow-Through, and The Call. It […]

Bob Feller Talking Through the Years About Baseball and His Life

Editor’s note: This post is being used by permission by the author, Arne , of MISC. Baseball: Gathering Assorted Items of Baseball History And Trivia…he also writes for Seamheads where an abridged version of this was released last week. He is also a member of the BBA! In 1981, during spring training: “Those four seasons […]

Vin Scully Isn’t Done Yet

When I heard Sunday morning that Vin Scully had called a press conference for prior to the Los Angeles Dodgers game against the Cincinnati Reds, my heart sank. Could this be the end for the last of the legendary broadcasters from the golden era of baseball? Fortunately, instead of announcing his retirement, Scully announced that […]


NARRATED BY DUSTIN HOFFMAN New Documentary Features Major Sandy Koufax Interview; Recollections from Ron Howard, Larry King, Bob Feller, Bud Selig, Marvin Miller, Al Rosen, Hank Greenberg and Many More Official Press Release New York —  “Jews and Baseball: An American Love Story,” a major new documentary release from Clear Lake Historical Productions, is now […]

A Baseball Card Artist: What he Does & Why

Baseball cards have been a part of “America’s national pastime” since the late 1800s.  In a sport that loves it’s past as much as it’s present, baseball cards have become a big part of recording the game’s history and traditions. What’s more American than a kid collecting baseball cards? Riding your bike to the store […]

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