Baseball and Gambling: Unraveling the Intricacies of Sports Betting and Comparisons to Online Blackjack
Introduction From the crack of the bat to the roar of the crowd, baseball is undeniably an integral part of American culture. But there’s another element that has taken the game to new heights – gambling. When you add online blackjack into the mix, a fascinating world of strategic betting and thrilling outcomes unfolds. A […]
The History and Use of a Baseball Glove

Baseball has grown as a sport. It’s become a nationwide entertainment and a symbol of American culture. Every dad spends a little time on the weekends throwing a few balls and catching them. It’s what we see in movies and it’s a great time to make a bond between a father and a son. For […]
Book Review: Heroes, Scamps and Good Guys

Professional sports in Cleveland has quite the colorful history with a number of interesting personalities who have provided entertainment through the years. In Heroes, Scamps and Good Guys: 101 Colorful Characters from Cleveland Sports History by Bob Dolgan, the author looks at some of the more interesting athletes to be involved in Cleveland Sports. As […]
Pitchers Intentionally Hitting Batters: Take it or leave it?

Baseball is still a game steeped in tradition and one of the less favorable traditions is when pitchers intentionally hit batters. I am usually not in favor of this, but at the professional level, I think a retaliatory hitting of a batter is almost a gentlemanly act … when done correctly. Yes, I said it! […]
Build it and They Will Come: How to Make Your Own Baseball Field

Whether you want a new baseball field for your child’s Little League team or a regulation-size field in your own backyard, you can easily put together your own baseball field on any relatively level and open plot of land. Getting Started In order for your baseball field to be successful, you need to keep in […]
Five Energy Efficient Ballparks Inspire Energy Savings at Home

Ballparks serve not only as a place for a community to rally around a team, but they also foster community pride and a commitment to invest in the surrounding areas. With this in mind, ballpark managers strive to use energy responsibly. The Green Sports Alliance has been dedicated to greening America’s ballparks for the last […]
How To Hit Tough Low And Away Strikes!

When trying to overcome any baseball hitting struggles, you should always look for the “easy fix” first before getting more complicated. Why get overly involved and complex unless necessary? You simply can’t bombard a baseball hitter with the thirty five thing necessary for the so called perfect baseball swing. The finest hitters on the planet […]
8 Ways To Know That Your Pitcher Is Getting Tired!

I can’t think of anything on the baseball field that’s more important than the well being of my players. Can you? This really holds true when it comes to your pitchers. When they are tiring, the risk of injury to their throwing arm skyrockets. Skyrockets! Hey, let’s forget that the outcome of the baseball game […]
Getting Hit By A Pitch Can Be Disheartening For All

If anyone involved in baseball coaching doesn’t make this the first thing they teach a player, they are making a huge mistake. Especially, if it is a young player who is just learning the game of baseball. I can’t think of any baseball tips on hitting that are more important. Getting hit by a pitch […]
How To Field Grounders From A To Z!

Here is an alphabetized list of baseball fielding tips for grounders. All bases are covered. Sorry, but the pun was intended. Arm Extension: You should extend your arms almost straight out and field the ball in front of your body. You should never field grounders near your body or underneath your body. In at least […]
Do Not Listen To These Popular Coaching Tips!

Here is a list of seven baseball coaching tips or beliefs that were either wrong from the start or have become totally obsolete: Come On Johnny, Get Your Elbow Up: The reference is to the height of the back elbow when hitting. You will very often hear this hollered to a young player by a […]
Do You Know When Not To Slide Into Second Base?

If you are a runner on first base and a ground ball is headed to the second baseman, make a quick observation as to where the second baseman is going to field the ball. If the second baseman has to go pretty far to his left to field the grounder, it would be very wise […]
How To Be Successful Against Power Pitchers!

Against some of the harder throwers, many very good hitters cut down on their stride or even omit it completely. For those hitters who have trouble against “flame throwers,” they should remember that it’s not necessary to take any stride at all or to swing the bat that hard. Some baseball hitters, especially young hitters, […]
To bunt, or not to bunt?
An excellent topic for baseball fans to discuss is the importance of the bunt. One may be in favor of it completely, while another may only prefer the bunt in certain cases such as a pitcher batting with a runner on base. Some are completely against it, stating it gives away outs- something at the […]
Baseball Tips On Hitting: This Probably Gets My Vote For Number One!

The directness of the baseball swing should be right near the top of your list of baseball tips on hitting if you are seriously trying to be a very successful baseball hitter or if you are coaching baseball hitters. You must swing directly to the baseball and the front elbow should be pointed downward when […]
Baseball Tips On Hitting: Productive Outs Win Ballgames!
Sometimes it’s a little thing that helps win a baseball game. It’s not always what makes the headlines in the newspapers or something that draws the most attention. “Productive outs” definitely fit into the category of little things that aren’t so little at all. Possibly what you thought was a very big hit in a […]
How To Properly Make Adjustments On The Mound!

As a baseball pitcher, you absolutely must make pitching adjustments throughout a game. Just as you make your adjustments, remember that the good baseball hitters will adjust to you also, which is one of the reasons they are good hitters. If you made a good hitter look bad on a changeup, he’s going to adjust. […]
ML”what would”B: What if Bo Jackson Had Stuck with Just Baseball?
Hey baseball fans! I just put up another ML”what would”B post on More Than a Fan. In every ML”what would”B alternative history post, I discuss what would have happened if a famous event in baseball history had gone differently than it did in reality. For my latest post, I wondered what would have happened if Bo Jackson had stuck […]
Pro-XR ergonomic baseball bat
Editor’s note: the text in this post comes from their site: Pro-XR is the only patented ergonomic bat technology that gives batters a responsive swing, precise control, quicker hands, improved grip, better plate coverage, smoother swing and actually helps reduce injuries to the hand. All other baseball bats are not created equal. They all […]
Getting into “The Game”
My name is Pam Dawkins, known fondly as daughter number five, out of six…..daughters, to Bill and Elsie Reay. As we grew up, Baseball was always a major part of our lives as dad played and coached for the Richmond Tigers, Dandenong Lions and then Springvale Lions Baseball Clubs. The Reay family were a baseball […]
Moneyball extremes: Dodgers and Astros salaries
Baseball needs to figure out a way to split up the money they bring in from MLBAM and have each team spend a portion of that profit on player salaries. The words salary cap and baseball have been a striking issue in the past, but maybe those that control the game, that being the players and the […]
ML”what would”B: What if Mark Teixeira went to Boston in 2009?
Hey baseball fans! I just put up another ML”what would”B post on More Than a Fan. In every ML”what would”B alternative history post, I discuss what would have happened if a famous event in baseball history had gone differently than it did in reality. For my latest post, I wondered what would have happened if Mark Teixeira had gone […]
Bring back day baseball for the World Series
Good news for baseball over football this week. The ratings came out for the 2013 Pro Bowl and only 9.9 million watched that game. That means that Game Three of the 2012 World Series outdrew the Pro Bowl, after failing to outdraw the football All- Star game the past few years. Why does baseball do so […]
Released Dominican Players Offered Educational Opportunity
Volume V, Issue 3: A Publication For Your Reading Enjoyment Major League Baseball has announced it will provide released Minor League players from the Dominican Republic an opportunity to enroll in educational programs through its new Educational Initiative Program for Latin America. Major League Baseball signed an agreement to create and support an educational […]
Apps for Baseball Fans
A guest post by Whitney Adams Many people live, eat, and breathe baseball. They go to every home and away game, they track player’s stats, they have their own fantasy leagues, and they are forever faithful to their home team. While there are some people who don’t understand this, there are others who do and […]
The Raiders Win Bronx Borough Prez Cup
The Little League Raiders are the champions of the second annual Borough President’s Cup. The Little League Raiders defeated the Bronx Bombers Little League, winning the title for the second straight year at a Sept. 25th game at Yankee Stadium. The final score was 6-1. To compete for the tournament, both teams had to meet […]
Coaching Little League Baseball
Little league baseball can either be a good experience or a bad experience. I think that a lot of it depends on the coaching. I can still remember when I was a kid how much I didn’t like my first coach in baseball. It almost made me not want to play again. I felt […]
Dear Mr. Fantasy: BABIP: An Indicator of Regression in Starting Pitchers?
Batting Average on Balls in Play (BABIP) can be used to determine how ‘lucky’ or ‘unlucky’ a pitcher has been when compared to the league average. The average BABIP for pitchers in 2011 was .295. The average so far in 2012 is .296. It is often said that baseball stats are subject to a ‘regression […]
The History of Little League Baseball
Little League Baseball is the largest organization for youth sports and has been the hallmark organization for children’s recreational baseball for over 70 years. From a meager beginning of only one league and 30 total participants in 1939 Little League Baseball has grown to 7,123 leagues and 2,513,760 participants as of the year 2010. […]
Little League Baseball Scorekeeping
Have you ever been asked to do the scorekeeping for your kids’ team at a little league baseball game? Maybe it’s one game or maybe it’s the whole season. Either way, were you totally confused when you got the book and looked inside to see that it wasn’t necessarily what you were thinking? If this […]