Hall of Famer Rod Carew on Finding Your Road to Success

Across the springs, summers and autumns – after all the seasons and over all the years – countless styles, methods and theories of how to hit a baseball and how to be a successful hitter have developed. Unfortunately, some instructors remain limited in their knowledge and, hence, can limit you in your approach to becoming […]

Teaching Hitters to Make Adjustments and How to Hit Mariano Rivera

I must admit that I would not make a very good major league hitting coach, even though I played at that level and even though I have been teaching hitting ever since retiring from pro ball twenty two years ago. The reason is simple – big league hitters would not make the hitting adjustments that […]

Hall of Famer Rod Carew on Setting up the Pitcher

Just as a pitcher can set up a batter, I feel a hitter can set up a pitcher. Hitting is a science. From preparing yourself with tools and studying your opponent, to analyzing your stance and how to get the best of your opponent; it’s a thinking man’s game from start to finish. With the […]

America’s Pastime: The First 5 Innings

First Inning “You can’t go to a baseball game without peanuts,” my dad said as he took a huge scoop of the salted variety from a bin in the local grocery store. At five-years-old, I had never been to a baseball game before and the whole day had been about him telling me what has […]

The Making of a Hitter

by Jeff Louderback, PR for Write Perceptions After 12 seasons of professional baseball, including seven in the major leagues, Jack Perconte gave 60,000 hitting lessons to young players at his academy in Illinois. His first book instructs coaches and parents how to teach the art of hitting and make baseball more enjoyable for children from […]

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