Upper Deck Planning to Insert Bubblegum Back into Baseball Card Packs!
2013 Fleer Retro Baseball is the first product slated to have bubblegum included in packs! Carlsbad, CA (April 1, 2013) – Collectors often ask, “What ever happened to bubblegum in baseball card packs?” What most people don’t realize is that Upper Deck never made a practice of inserting bubblegum into baseball packs, mainly because the gum […]
Got Cards? Trade Your New & Used Cards for Smiles! Do you have sports cardsjust sitting around collecting dust? Are you a mom who wants to get rid of your son’s cards, but doesn’t want to catch grief for throwing them out? Do you want to help put a smile on the face of […]
Cardboard Gods: A Book Review
Usually I don’t write book reviews in the first person, but I will make an exception here because I feel it is the best way to illustrate the magnitude of this specific work. “Cardboard Gods: An American Tale” by Josh Wilker is on the surface, a story about a boy and his baseball card […]
Mint Condition: How Baseball Cards Became an American Obsession [Hardcover]
from the publisher… When award-winning journalist Dave Jamieson’s parents sold his childhood home a few years ago, forcing him to clear out his old room, he happily rediscovered a prized boyhood possession: his baseball card collection. Now was the time to cash in on his “investments,” but all the card shops had closed, and eBay […]
Schlotzsky’s Introduces Big League Clubz Challenge
In the coming weeks, a restaurant called Schlotzsky’s will introduce a Big League Clubz challenge to all of their customers across the country. The company will have three different trading cards that will be featured at their franchises across the country which look like traditional baseball cards. The only difference between these cards and baseball […]