Stadium Review: Prince George’s Stadium Home of the Bowie Baysox

Prince George's Stadium Home of the Bowie Baysox

If someone looked up AA Minor League Baseball stadium in the encyclopedia, they probably wouldn’t find anything, but if there was an entry, the accompanying picture would probably be one of Prince George’s Stadium in Bowie, Maryland. It’s the home to the AA affiliate of the Baltimore Orioles. Prince George’s Stadium has everything a stadium for a AA should have, and nothing that it shouldn’t.

Bowie Baysox
Image via Wikipedia

While this is a good thing, there isn’t anything that could set this park apart from any other generic park in the nation. While it is picturesque due mainly to the good upkeep of the facility, there isn’t a piece of the park that makes it stick out as a stadium that would be recommended to other Minor League Baseball fans as a must see.

Bowie Baysox: Prince George's Stadium

One part of the park that does separate it from others doesn’t have to do with appearance. One of the best things about the park is that the majority of the seating is general admission, meaning one can sit wherever they please. Since Minor League Baseball rarely sells out anywhere, this creates a much more laid back atmosphere, which is well deserved for those living so close to the hustle and bustle of the nation’s capital.

Like many other stadiums, this one is certainly kid friendly. Down the right field line, families will find an area where kids can let loose some of their pent up energy as there is a playground featuring activities such as a bouncy castle and jungle-gym.

Down the left field line on the concourse is where a group would be able to have an outing. Unlike some places where groups may go in other parks, this one actually has a very good view of the action on the field meaning that people do not have to leave their party when the action starts to be able to view the game, they can take their time with their coworkers and still catch the action.

The team shop certainly leaves something to be desired as well. Once again, it does have everything that one would expect, but there weren’t any items that would leave a fan saying, “Wow, that is neat.” It is located almost directly behind home plate on the concourse, but there is a brick wall between the field and the store, so fans will miss some of the play on the field if they do want to get some shopping in.

Overall, a visit to Prince George’s Stadium is a relaxing experience. Even though it may not be the most memorable park in the country, it certainly has its place in the heart of Eastern League fans. As mentioned above, it is a change of pace from the big city life many are used to in that area, and making it even better is the fact that parking is free. The stadium is essentially right off of the freeway and is tucked away from the main roads making traffic flow easily before and after each contest.

2010 Bowie Baysox

Minor League Stadium Review: 3.25/5

Overall Stadium Review: 3/5

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