Tribe Signs Free Agent Pitcher Pavano

NEW YORK - APRIL 02:  Carl Pavano #45 of the N...
Image by Getty Images via Daylife

cleveland_indians_logoCarl Pavano was not the first name most Tribe fans were thinking when considering who to add to their team’s rotation in the off season. Nonetheless, general manager Mark Shapiro apparently thought the 33-year-old veteran was worth a look as he signed the former Yankee to a one year deal on Tuesday to come to Northeast Ohio.

Pavano is considered by many to be one of the worst free agent signings in history as he signed with the Bronx Bombers for a lot of money and barely graced the mound during his stay in the Big Apple.

The Indians hope that he can shake off the rust and perform for them in a rotation that is going to need someone at least until Jake Westbrook is fully recovered from surgery in July.

Last season, the ten year veteran went 4-2 with a 5.77 ERA in just seven appearances for the Yanks. His career record is an even .500 with 66 wins and his overall ERA is 4.32 in 193 games.

The right hander had surgery on his throwing elbow in June of 2007 and it is unclear if he is going to progress from his performances in 2008 when he was once again disappointing.

If Pavano can regain some of the confidence that helped him go 18-8 with a 3.00 ERA with the Florida Marlins in 2004, the Indians would be very pleased.

Bill Jordan is a contributor to He can be reached by e-mail at

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4 Responses

  1. Pavano is a risk. Signing him to a one year deal I can see, though. If he ever stayed healthy he could be a great bargain for somebody.

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