MLBPA snubs amended 2021 MLB season proposals

We all know that the 2020 Major League Baseball season was complicated, and ahead of any further foreseeable difficulties that could disrupt the 2021 campaign, the MLB came up with a series of proposals for an adapted schedule. However, these have been rejected by the Major League Baseball Players Association.

One key proposal on the table from the MLB was for a shortened 2021 season, featuring 154 regular season games, with an offer to pay players for the 162 games they would otherwise have played. The MLB also suggested a delay to the start of the 2021 regular season, pushing back the opening games until April, along with a modified and expanded Postseason.

The MLB insists “this was a good deal that reflected the best interest of everyone” in baseball, according to a statement published by CBS Sports, confident their plans would cover any eventualities with more certainty. Nevertheless, these proposals were ultimately met with refusal by the MLBPA.

IMAGE: Pixabay

The union representing players is keen to avoid any delays, underlining their preference that the 2021 Regular Season should commence in March as normal, rather than a delayed April start, whilst also rejecting the expanded Postseason idea. Met with this rejection, the MLB had little alternative but to accept the MLBPA conditions, including the March season start.

Players will now report to preseason training, teams will continue filling out their rosters with trades and new additions, while everyone gets prepared for the season to come. Spring training should get underway with all franchises through February, ahead of the first MLB Regular Season games, which will commence from late March onwards.

As we wait for the action to begin, that brings an opportunity to check out some sportsbook reviews, learn about the best bets to make on baseball and which markets to follow. It’s also a good time to read through plenty of tips and wagering advice, do a little homework on the teams and players, then plan ahead for a season of responsible and fun betting.

IMAGE: Pixabay

After finally ending a drought stretching back to 1988, the Los Angeles Dodgers finally won the World Series at long last in 2020. Looking ahead to the 2021 Regular Season campaign, they are tipped as firm favourites for the National League pennant, not to mention being strongly backed by many sportsbooks to retain their World Series title.

Meanwhile, the New York Yankees might excel this year, given they are considered the strongest American League contenders, and amongst the leading teams expected to push for the Worlds Series title this year. That said, when it comes to opinions and odds for other challengers, opinions are actually quite varied at online bookmakers.

Teams regarded as having serious options for the World Series include the San Diego Padres, along with the Chicago White Sox. Making a good push as outsiders will be the Atlanta Braves and the New York Mets, although neither the Minnesota Twins or the Oakland Athletics should be ignored. Whichever team you are backing, let’s hope for a great season.

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