A Review of Swenson Baseball’s SN8 Infielder’s Glove

Photo taken from the Swenson Baseball Co. website

This is a first for a Baseball Reflections product review in two ways. First, this was the first review done from an independent glove maker, the Swenson Baseball Company and a demo model glove.

But before we get to the the review, here’s a little info about them from their About Swenson page:

Established in 2002 and located in Eagle, Idaho, Swenson Baseball Company offers top-of-the-line products meticulously made by quality craftsmen for both the professional and amateur player.

With many years of scouting and coaching experience, owner/operator Andy Swenson brings enthusiasm and love for the game of Baseball to his business. His equipment incorporates the features, quality, durability and performance that discerning players expect, so you can perform at your peak.

There is a distinct difference when you put on this glove as opposed to a store bought glove. It’s a little heavier, but wonderfully padded and exquisedly made with the highest quality glove I’ve ever had the pleasure of using. My only complaints were that I don’t get to keep it and I didn’t get to break it in to fit my hand (seeing I have smaller than normal hands combined with it being a 12″ glove made it odd to use at first as I’m use to smaller middle infielder‘s gloves).

What also makes Swenson Baseball Gloves even more appealing is the various ways in which you can customize your purchased glove. From the color of the glove itself (Black glove/Brown web, brown glove/Black web, all black, all brown or non-traditional colors like these…) and the web style (this model has two choices: Woven Web or Trapper Woven Web). and that’s just the beginning…

They can also send you a factory broken-in glove for an additional cost of $10, personalized with your name or some other text is $30 (in either BLOCK (all caps) or Script (cursive) letter styles and the following thread colors: and thread color (Black (Std for Glove Color II, IV), White (Std for Glove Color I, III), Blue (light), Blue (dark), Brown, Burgundy, Gold, Gray, Green, Magenta, Orange, Red, Purple and Yellow).

Other special requests are as follows:
1) Whether you need a right or left handed glove
2) Your playing level
3) If you hands are large or small
4) If you want soft leather
5) Any other requests

The base cost is $170.00 plus $10 for shipping.

The Swenson SN 8 is a 12″ Short Stop, Pitcher or Third Base glove that features aTa® leather which is a state of the art pro-processed 100% top-grain natural cow hide. It has a pre-formed professional pocket for quick break in and is hand-crafted and custom made for the professional player. Additional features are an index finger protector an a deep pocket.

In closing…I’m going to miss this glove!

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