Introducing Italy’s Softball Inside’s Weekly Comic Strip

Today I (Peter at Baseball Reflections) am proud to introduce to you, our faithful readers, Casa base, a weekly comic strip that comes to you from Italy! It is published on first in Itallian, then in English which is the version you will see here every week.

Seeing that English is not their primary language, I think they do a great job! Actually, their English is better than some here in the states where English is their primary language! Now a word from the creators …

A comic strip dedicated to baseball? In Italy? Written and drawn by Italians? Impossible!

And instead here it is: CASA BASE (Italian translation of Home Plate), written and drawn by Sauro Pasquini and Fabio Borselli, two italians, both born in Arezzo, Tuscany, where they also live, both baseball, comics and fantasy literature fans. Sauro is a graphic designer and draws comics for passion, Fabio is a teacher and a softball coach and manages the site of baseball and softball technique, in Italian, www.softballinside.comFabio and Sauro write the subjects, Sauro draws the strips. Together they create the stripes “stealing” the stories they see every day on the field. A baseball comic strip created in Italy, by Italians?

Here it is!

Casa base 0001 - Tribute to Peanuts

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Casa base 0002 - Fired Coach
Casa Base Special for USA - Cross the Delaware

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