Over the last two years, the #MeToo movement has swept through the U.S. and other countries, changing many industries as we know them. Started by Tarana Burke over a decade ago, the #MeToo movement seems to have had the greatest impact on the industries that are most in the public eye: those with celebrity actors, producers, and sports players. After Harvey Weinstein, one of the most powerful men in film, got booted from his own company after allegations of assault, people saw the power that victims could have when they come together.
The baseball industry is not exempt from the effects of the #MeToo movement. Along with every other industry, the movement brought attention to sexism and assault in the baseball industry and demanded that allegations be addressed. This has stirred conflict in the sport, not only for those facing accusations but for those who openly criticize the movement.
Sexual Assault in Baseball
Many sports industries are male-dominated and notorious for turning away from accusations of sexual assault from players. Over the last few years, several baseball players have been accused of assault, including domestic violence and sexual harassment. When this occurs, players have faced some consequences, including being suspended from playing games.
Unfortunately, even this punitive action can have a negative effect on victims who come forward to tell their story, as it puts them directly in the public eye. Those who post their accounts of sexual assault on social media, as many were doing during the peak of the #MeToo movement, are often targeted by fans of the sport and teams. They become victims of cyberbullying, and are attacked viciously by people who call them liars, among many other things, and accuse them of merely seeking attention. This response is often what keeps women from coming forward about assault.
This type of hostility is common for those who don’t understand or support the #MeToo movement. Former Phillies player Mike Schmidt was caught publicly mocking the movement just last year after making a sexist joke in which he referred to his wife as a dishwasher. He followed up by saying he does dishes as well, “but where’s the #MeToo movement on that?” This is often the response from individuals who are critical of women and don’t understand how common sexual assault is.
As the #MeToo movement took off, many women felt inspired to tell their stories, including Betsy Bissen, a woman who posted about her experience of assault at the hands of Minnesota Twins player Miguel Sano. She accused the player of grabbing her and attempting to kiss her multiple times at a mall in Minneapolis. Sano completely denied the accusation, saying it never happened; however, Bissen did talk to investigators about the occurrence.
After Bissen came forward publicly with the accusation, the Minnesota Twins released a statement saying they were taking the matter seriously. Bissen received an outpour of support from people on social media, including former Twins players. However, many fans were ready to stand by Sano, advocating that his denial was legitimate and accusations long after the event were likely false.
Fighting for Justice
For decades, organizations have formed to advocate for the many women who experience assault and abuse throughout their lives. Organizations like Take Back The Night, which formed in the 1960s, work to bring attention to the fear many women live in as they go about their days, carrying their keys in their hands and avoiding walking around at night. They protest sexual assault and work to support victims of abuse and harassment.
Bringing attention to the magnitude of these issues is one of the most important steps to reducing the amount of assault that occurs. Without knowing there is a problem, we can’t address it or help the thousands of people who experience assault. Coming forward is difficult, but doing so can help officials catch perpetrators and prevent the abuser from assaulting others in the future.
Sexual assault and harassment can be incredibly difficult and terrifying situations, and they are often very difficult to come forward about. Many people who experience assault simply wish to forget the experience happened. The #MeToo movement has reminded those in the baseball industry that they can’t get away with assault, and it has helped empower victims to come forward about sexual abuse and to get the help and justice they deserve.