Baseball Links Exchange

Here are the write ups on the writers of this week’s link exchange, SABR Neighbor…some sexy baseball insight, taken from their page, Our Lineup.

Joe O’Rourke is heading into the final year of his career at Penn State University as a Business Management major and is receiving a minor in Economics.  Joe is also a member of SABR (Society of American Baseball Research) and is a member of the Business of Baseball Committee as well as the Statistical Analysis Committee.  A resident of northern New Jersey, Joe is a diehard Yankees fan as well as an avid Cubs fan.  Joe’s long term goal is to work in the front office of a major league organization in baseball operations.  Another life goal is to spend an entire summer on a ball park tour visiting every major league stadium and traveling across the U.S.

Stan Whyte, who is a reader of Baseball Reflections, is a native of Philadelphia, Pa and has been a supporter of the Philadelphia Phillies his entire life. Whyte is entering his senior year at Penn State and is a Sports Journalism major with a minor in Labor Studies and Employment Relations. Always committed to providing readers with his honest opinion, ‘Stan the man’, as he is known amongst friends, never shies away from critiquing players when it’s necessary. In his spare time, Whyte is an avid fantasy baseball player and often stays up late at night wondering about how he can make his team (The Fairway Sureshots) better.

Nick Dimichino is entering his fourth year at William Paterson University in New Jersey and is a communication major with a focus in journalism and public relations. He lives in Central Jersey and has a bit of a sports problem. His favorite teams are the Rangers, Jets and Yankees. Nick is the Production Manager at his university’s paper, the Beacon. He hopes to write sports for a major publication or do PR work in the sports field when he gets out of college.

You can also find them on BallHype by clicking HERE.

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