Baseball Links Exchange: Phillies Nation

Now, while the Phillies may not be my hometown team, I’d have to admit that they are one of my favorite teams in baseball right now. If only the pitching on the whole was better, they’d be a beast in the NL East. With players like Howard, Utley and Rollins what’s not to like? Add to those potent hitters, the arms of Hammels, the re-emergence of closer Brad Lidge and the youthful Moyer and you do have quite a good nucleus to build upon if you can retain most of these guys.

Now, putting all remaining pleasantries aside, I present to you, Phillies Nation. I took the liberty of cutting and pasting part of the bio from their “About Us” page below.

It is a site for the most fanatical Phillies fans to share ideas, absorb information, and rant with impunity. Though there are certainly other blogs out there that deal with the Phillies, this one is written exclusively through a fan’s perspective. Stats and algorithms have their place in analyzing baseball, but if a player sucks, Phillies fans don’t require quantitative proof. We smell failure a mile away. We boo first, ask questions later. And in those rare cases when sweet victory befalls upon us, we rejoice and celebrate like only Phillies fans do: by going to Geno’s and making it a two cheesesteak night.These guys live and die by the Phillies and are as Phanatical of phans as you can get. It’s that intensity that makes this a good read. I hope you agree.For a good read, click on the link below and go check out this book by Professor Mitchell Nathanson of Villanova University School of Law entitled, “The Fall of the 1977 Phillies: How a Baseball Team’s Collapse Sank a City’s Spirit”.

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