Friday Night Links

It is out of regret that we have to use this section to once again announce the departure of 2 more writers, but we do have 2 additional writing coming on board, but he will not (as of yet) be covering a specific team.

The two gentlemen who will be leaving us are Tony DeMarco who has been writing our Reflections on the Rockies reports just couldn’t keep up writing for his paid gigs and still do ours on a consistent enough basis, but has left the door open to return if anything changes.

Also leaving is J. Ellet Lambie who was only with us for a brief stay, but he will be missed all the same. I will miss his signature Hazaa’s at the end of his posts. Picking up the Tigers will be John Parent of Always A Tiger. Please click on the link to get a sneak peek of what his writing style is like.

On the flip side, coming to us after working with our Phillies writer, Aaron Schimpf at RBI Magazine (which is stopping publication shortly), is David Allen. David will be covering general baseball topics for now until we figure out how to best utilize his talents. I personally am just happy to have him aboard.

Image via Wikipedia

If you like our new transparent logo (found in the upper left corner of our site), you have Jeff, founder of Aslan Books (Providing Family-Friendly Products Since 2004) to thank. Jeff took the previous logo, done by my father-in-law, and resized it and made it transparent for us. I really need to get an used version of Photoshop at a good price so I can start doing these myself. J Please check out Aslan Books is you need family-friendly products.

On the agenda for the site is an interview with the people at Slump Buster energy drink (please follow the link to find out more) and A Glove of Their Own conducted by David Allen.

As of right now, we have openings for Reflections on the Rockies, Angels and Twins. If interested, please e-mail me at

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