Fans for Hustle … A new movement by Fans

In an age of 9-digit contracts, fans deserve more than watching a ballplayer trot down the line or witnessing a player misplay a routine fly ball due to a poor effort. But, what is a fan to do? Shake their head in disgust or boo the offenders?  Not anymore. A new sports movement, Fans for Hustle (, is poised to empower fans. By utilizing the viral nature of social networks, fans can call out ballplayers who are dogging it. (Admittedly, most players in the bigs give it their all, so this campaign is for the small portion of pros who don’t come to play every day.) Specifically, wants to encourage fans to post references of subpar efforts with the hashtag #RunItOut, ideally with some form media showing the poor effort (a picture or video) as well as with the players related social media account, if available. The hope is this will give the game a nudge in the right direction as the season enters its second half.

Not one for social media? There is another way to support the Fans for Hustle movement. Buy the t-shirt featured at and sport it at the stadium. The visibility of the green t-shirt should help raise awareness of the #runitout hashtag and our mission.

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#RunItOut and join the movement!

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