11th Annual Wheelchair Softball Tournament Championship Game


The U.S. Open has just ended, and the New York Mets do not having a winning season.  Yet on September 15, 2012 in the parking lot of Citi Field, home field of the Mets, every year around this time there’s the Annual Wheelchair Softball Tournament! This year marks the 11th year of the tournament taking place in the area.

That day two games took place; one for the Gold and Silver, and the other for the Bronze. The championship game was the battle for Chicago, a repeat of the 1906 World Series between the Cubs and the White Sox. The game went a full seven innings with the White Sox defeating the Cubs by a score of 5-2.

The other game for the Bronze was a repeat of the 1986 World Series between the Rollin’ Red Sox of Boston versus the New York Mets.  The Mets won the game in 8 innings with the score 3-2.   The winning run scored on a throwing error when a double-play was being turned.

John Hamre from Wheelchair Sports Federation spoke. “I want to thank the volunteers, and the Mets organization for their support without them this never would’ve taken place!” A representative from the Mets stated “This is the one event we are a proud sponsor and supporters of.” No press was present, yet the reporter, people, players, the umpires, photographers, families were all winners!
Ismael Nunez provided the report, as well as the photos of this great event!
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