Another Baseball Reflections Site Update

Ok, so the audio commenting function is now working and it’s brought to us by a company called Blurts! You can find the Blurts button above the SUBMIT button in the comments section of every article. If you click on the button, you can record an audio file of up to 30 seconds…if you run out of time, feel free to add a second blurt!

We will soon be adding a page to the site that will host the ability for readers to chat live during games!. Just in time for the League Championship Series! This ability is brought to us by

After the World Series is over, or sooner if people ask for it sooner (this can be done in the comments), we will be giving away a DVD copy of Ken Burns The 10th Inning.

I will be starting to do a semi-regular webcast, mainly because the free podcast at Blog Talk Radio blocks out prime time slots from 7pm to 10:59pm for paid users. Unless I can figure out how to post Skype video calls, it will be just me for a while!

Last, we will be rolling out a new theme that should highlight the soon to be refreshed categories under the rotating featured section. An added video widget will be added and links to follow us on the main social media networks. This new site will also be the gateway into moving the site towards becoming a “Baseball only” blog network.

So if you are fed up with hosting your own blog and want to just concentrate on your writing, please contact me at!

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