Product Review: Akadema’s ProSoft 1B Mitt: AJJ 254


When my contact at Akadema asked me if I would do another review if sent another glove I jumped at the chance! This time I asked for a first baseman‘s glove as I have always been fascinated with them for reasons unknown to even myself. Maybe it’s because when I was growing up, my dad played the position in those, his last days playing softball. I really wanted to see what innovations they had created for a first baseman’s glove.

Although they told me that the glove they were sending me wasn’t one of their gloves with a new patent to it like the Funnel, but it was a part of their ProSoft Series .

Here’s what their website says about the ProSoft Series:

Born to meet the desire of players looking for the distinct advantage of a game-ready glove, Akadema‘s ProSoft Series is their newest innovation. Light and playable right out of the workshop, the Silver Soft Series was constructed to give a player the unparalleled fit and feel right off the bat.

After receiving it I have to admit that it does need to be broken in, but not much. Its innovative softness lends it to be broken in a lot more quickly than the Funnel I had previously received.

ProSoft AJJ 254 First Baseman's Glove
ProSoft AJJ 254 First Baseman's Glove

My favorite part of owning this glove is that is is the MOST comfortable glove to wear that I have ever had in the 30 years since I started playing baseball. It feels more like an Isotoner Glove. You know the ones that were promoted on TV back in the day by former Dolphins QB Dan Marino?!

I have owned a first baseman’s glove in the past & this one by Akadema (the AJJ 254 which is 12.5″) is far superior to my last one. From the feel of my hand in the glove all the way to the design and padding which is necessary for a glove that needs to endure the second most use on a baseball diamond (first being a catcher‘s mitt).

Bottom line: if you are looking to a great glove for the First Baseman in your life, I’d put my money down on one of these:

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2 Responses

  1. Akadema Professional provides a whole line of Pro Soft Series gloves for both baseball and softball. They are easier to break in and are comfortable to wear. This is just 1 series of gloves that Akadema provides. For a full line of Akadema Products go to

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