How To Field Grounders From A To Z!

Here is an alphabetized list of baseball fielding tips for grounders. All bases are covered. Sorry, but the pun was intended. Arm Extension: You should extend your arms almost straight out and field the ball in front of your body. You should never field grounders near your body or underneath your body. In at least […]
Fielding Practice Is For Pitchers Too!
Always remember that as a baseball pitcher, once you throw the baseball to the plate you become a defensive player like everyone else. One of the best baseball pitching tips has nothing to do with baseball pitching at all. It’s that you should set aside some time and practice your baseball fielding as well and […]
No Glove Fielding Drill In Little League Baseball
Growing up playing baseball, I always loved the infield. I started out playing shortstop and then ultimately ended up playing second base. I loved fielding grounders. It was my favorite part about practice and come game time, it was always exciting to have a grounder come my way. Sometimes though, as I think everybody […]
Little League Baseball Scorekeeping
Have you ever been asked to do the scorekeeping for your kids’ team at a little league baseball game? Maybe it’s one game or maybe it’s the whole season. Either way, were you totally confused when you got the book and looked inside to see that it wasn’t necessarily what you were thinking? If this […]
A Pre Game Infield Alternative You should be Using
As coaches, we constantly try to convince our players to practice the same way they play in games, with the same focus and intensity. Then coaches proceed to take pre-game infield practice in an un-game like manner. Hitting the ball to a player, who knows the ball is coming in a position-by-position designated way, is […]
Baseball is a Head Game and How to Fix It
This article is probably not what you think. You are probably thinking I am talking about what baseball players should be thinking about on the ball field – the mental game of baseball. Actually, this article is about the physical aspect of a baseball player’s head and how important the location of the head is […]