A Pre Game Infield Alternative You should be Using

As coaches, we constantly try to convince our players to practice the same way they play in games, with the same focus and intensity. Then coaches proceed to take pre-game infield practice in an un-game like manner. Hitting the ball to a player, who knows the ball is coming in a position-by-position designated way, is not game-like. With this traditional infield practice method, fielders know when the ball is coming to them and relax until their turn. Of course, in a game, players do not know this. We want to develop players that expect every ball to be hit their way and not to relax, thinking it might not be. Additionally, the traditional infield practice is often boring, where players just go through the motions. This lack of enthusiasm for pre-game infield practice is one reason it has been phased out in pro baseball.

A better infield practice plan is available. I suggest that coaches take infield more “game-like” in the following manner:

It is simple – hit the ball to any position at any time. Adding the new dimension of hitting the ball to any position randomly, and at any time, makes players alert, as in a game. Coaches also call out where runners are on base right before hitting the ball. In this manner, players learn how to adjust their positioning based on the coaches designated situation; as well as learning their positions’ responsibilities, and where to throw the ball. This method also serves to help players’ mental game as they have to imagine the game situation in their heads.

Time permitting; this random approach is with outfielders also, with the ball hit to any field at any time, and with called-out situations. Of course, coaches do not have to abandon the traditional way of taking infield, but using this method infuses energy into a team and helps players learn the game quicker. Any coaching methods that develops players’ enthusiasm for and increases their energy levels, are good. In addition, coaching that helps youth baseball players learn the finer points of the game, and much quicker, is also a good thing. With these modifications, players become fielders that are more alert, with more winning baseball soon to follow.

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