Fans for Hustle … A new movement by Fans

In an age of 9-digit contracts, fans deserve more than watching a ballplayer trot down the line or witnessing a player misplay a routine fly ball due to a poor effort. But, what is a fan to do? Shake their head in disgust or boo the offenders? Not anymore. A new sports movement, Fans for […]
DUGOUT LINGO: “Cage-Killer”
Sometimes, you just can’t get out of the cage. We’ve all been there – you hit ball after ball after ball up into the netting above you. You try to comfort yourself – How far up is this thing today? – as though the cage’s location on the field was robbing you of no-doubt homers. You […]
DRSEA INFORMER: For The Love Of Money
Volume III, Issue 15: A Publication For Your Reading Enjoyment It has been said that when morality confronts profit, rarely willmorality triumph. And with profit being the main motive behind the proliferation of independent academies dedicated to developing and selling Dominican baseball talent, morality and fair play are likely to strike out. That has been my […]
Mizuno World Win Series P/3B Glove Review
GWW1203 The Basics from Mizuno The Mizuno GWW1203 is a baseball glove with a Tartan web design (closed back) and ProFlex finger inserts in a pro style pattern. It comes specially tanned in a retro leather for a soft, supple feel for durability allowing for a quicker breaking in period. In fact, it comes nearly […]
A Review of Swenson Baseball’s SN8 Infielder’s Glove
This is a first for a Baseball Reflections product review in two ways. First, this was the first review done from an independent glove maker, the Swenson Baseball Company and a demo model glove. But before we get to the the review, here’s a little info about them from their About Swenson page: Established in […]
Baseball Reflections CafePress Merchandise
Help Support Baseball Reflections Part of all procedes from the sale of the items in this post goes directly to help support Baseball Reflections. As an added bonus, it also doubles as helping us to spread the word about us! Here’ a quick note about the following product widget. You have two viewing options. Ferris […]
Friday Night Links
In this edition of Friday Night Links, we return to our main focus for this series…promoting other sites that we like or think that you should look into. In this edition we will be focusing on Baseball and general sports equipment sites. Sports a general sport equipment site that focuses on baseball and softball. […]
Help Support Baseball Reflections
Here’s your periodic reminder that we have an online marketplace in the tabbed section of the site under the SEARCH button and above our Sponsors section on the right sidebar. To view the marketplace, just click on that tab. All sales contribute to the operating costs of Baseball Reflections. And here are a few things […]