Mizuno World Win Series P/3B Glove Review

GWW1203 Photo provided by Mizuno USA


The Basics from Mizuno

The Mizuno GWW1203 is a baseball glove with a Tartan web design (closed back) and ProFlex finger inserts in a pro style pattern. It comes specially tanned in a retro leather for a soft, supple feel for durability allowing for a quicker breaking in period. In fact, it comes nearly game ready for use at either the pitcher or third base positions (editor’s note: this is true for almost all 12″ gloves). It retails at around $80

My Thoughts and Impressions

Image via Wikipedia

I have never owned or even used a glove with a closed web style before and I have to admit that it was a little strange at first, but I quickly got use to it (a testament to the quality of this glove). I agree with Mizuno’s claim of game ready playability as it breaks in very quickly. Where it isn’t as padded as a recently reviewed indie glove (it was heavier than other gloves I’ve used), it most definitely makes up for that by contrastingly being a very light weight glove. At the moment it is my glove of choice whether I’m playing 3B, SS, 2B or OF.

On a personal note, the last glove that I bought (which was about 26 years ago) was a Mizuno middle infielder‘s glove. I had that glove until two years ago. I have been very satisfied with both Mizuno gloves I have owned and used and I would easily recommend a Mizuno glove to someone looking for a new baseball glove!

I’d like to thank the people at Mizuno for providing Baseball Reflections with this fine glove for the purpose of this review.

For details on this glove and other Mizuno products including, but not limited to, the Jennie Finch Women’s Fast Pitch Softball line by visiting the following links…



Jennie Finch pitching against China in Oklahom...
Image via Wikipedia
  • Fast Pitch (non-Jennie Finch line)
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