You Really Should Learn How To Hit To The Opposite Field!

By now, we’ve all heard the expression, “hit it where it’s pitched.” It’s very frustrating for a baseball pitcher when he throws a perfect low and away strike and the batter hits the ball to the opposite field for a hit. Most baseball pitchers will realize immediately how well schooled this particular baseball hitter is. […]
Baseball Tips On Hitting: Productive Outs Win Ballgames!
Sometimes it’s a little thing that helps win a baseball game. It’s not always what makes the headlines in the newspapers or something that draws the most attention. “Productive outs” definitely fit into the category of little things that aren’t so little at all. Possibly what you thought was a very big hit in a […]
How To Recognize A Curve Ball Very Quickly!
6 Recognizing a curve ball quickly is not an easy thing to do. Hitting a well located curve is not easy either. That’s why you will hear the expression, “He’s a good fastball hitter” ten times for every one time you will hear, “He’s a good curve ball hitter.” I’m well aware that part of […]
The Soft Toss Drill Is Fabulous If You Use It Properly!
The baseball hitting benefits of the soft toss drill are incredible but this drill must be done properly. The soft toss drill is one of the best baseball coaching drills around and please don’t ever sell it short. It is a great time saver to break a bad habit, get into a good habit or […]
A Totally Bizarre Way To Raise Your Batting Average!
If you are struggling at the plate, what you should attempt to do is to hit every pitch at the pitcher‘s belt buckle. And no, I haven’t lost my mind and I resent that you’re thinking that I’ve lost it. Try to do this on every pitch, no matter what type of pitch it is […]
Baseball Tips On Hitting: Your Baseball Hitting Style Belongs To You Only!
Your baseball hitting style is what you do at the plate before you swing the bat and baseball hitting mechanics are what you do when you are actually swinging the bat. If a coach wants to help you improve your baseball hitting mechanics, that’s one thing. But your very personal hitting style is an entirely […]
Baseball Tips On Hitting: How Practice Is Mandatory For Your Success!
You’ve got to go out and hit, hit, hit and then hit some more. Some professional players take 500 swings a day in the off season. It’s not by accident or good fortune that some of them bat .330 or hit 45 home runs. Maybe that’s why they are professional hitters, because they pay the […]
Good Coaches Take Nothing for Granted – Valuable Base Running Tips
“Baseball is a game of inches,” is an often-used phrase and nowhere is that more evident than with base running. Saving an inch or two when running the bases makes all the difference whether players are out or safe and makes a difference in the win/loss column. A couple inches here and there mean a […]
How Players And Coaches Should Deal With A Hitting Slump!
Very simply, a baseball hitting slump occurs because of something that you are now doing that is mechanically incorrect when swinging the bat or it can be something that you were doing correctly and now you are not doing it. In other words, either you have developed a bad habit or have gotten away from […]
How To Overcome Two Very Common Baseball Hitting Problems
I would venture that on any given team, at least one third of the hitters have one of these two very common hitting problems. Here are several baseball tips on hitting that should help to overcome them. Tension Is A Hitter’s Worst Enemy! I’ve heard this expression dozens of times and could not agree more. […]
Helping Ballplayers Eliminate Fear of Being Hit by the Ball
Let’s face it, when you get hit by a pitched ball, it hurts. When a ball hits young ballplayers, it can lead to such fear of being hit that it actually ends their desire to continue playing. Sometimes, nothing will work, but with time and patience, this fear can disappear. One thing that I have […]
Ten Hitting Tips that Guarantee Success
Never accept mediocrity. When hitters have good hand, eye coordination there is no reason for inconsistent contact – work harder on the fundamentals. Hitters do not need to know what they are doing wrong but they need to know how to adjust. I often tell my students that no one forces them to […]
How to Raise Your Batting Average
It is true that major league players, who get two hits for every ten at-bats, go back to the minor leagues and those, who get three hits ever ten at-bats, are superstars. What a difference just one hit every ten at-bats make. All baseball players want to hit for a high batting average […]
Quad City River Bandits (STL) vs Kane County Cougars (Oak): Single A Playoff Series
By David Malamut author of Voice of A Season Ticket Holder (Kane County Cougars) The Quad City River Bandits would end up their season with an elimination game loss in the first round by the Kane County Cougars. They would see a dominant pitching performance in the first game by SP Shelby Miller, their top […]