Little League World Series and COVID — The Future of Health in Children Leagues

Watching kids play baseball sure is a great way to spend a summer evening, isn’t it? There’s just something about seeing the next generation learn to play the great game that is particularly rewarding. Watching them compete, work together as a team, and ultimately succeed at goals takes it to an even greater level. After […]

How To Overcome Anxiety Before A Little League Game

Every athlete on all professional levels can still experience anxiety before participating in a sporting event. But it’s said that a little bit of nervousness can boost excitement and motivation leading to better game performance. However, if it’s perceived negatively, it may trigger the flight or fight response of an individual that can make it […]

10 Important Facts about Alloy & Composite Baseball Bats That You Should Know

Choosing the best youth baseball bats can be a challenging experience if you’re unaware of the fact that now baseball bats are made from a variety of materials. Other than the traditional wooden bats, composite and alloy bats are growing in popularity. Usually, wooden bats are reserved for professionals, tournaments and practice. Some states only […]

How to Throw a Curveball

Curveballs are great fun to throw, but they can also cause serious injuries to your arms. Because of this, it is not advised for young pitchers to pitch curveballs. Different people will tell you different ages that are appropriate to begin pitching curveballs, but the truth is that everybody is different. Players should not pitch […]

Tips For Team Parents

Being a good parent at the youth baseball level, first and foremost, is all about being supportive — to your child and to all of his teammates. After all, baseball at the youth level is the most innocent stage of the game. Players aren’t playing to earn a professional contract, a college scholarship or even […]

Warm-Up Drills All Little Leagues Should Implement

We usually think of children as naturally flexible and relatively fit. As a result, coaches may skip warm-ups and stretching before and after workouts. However, dynamic warm-up exercises and stretching are important ways to teach young athletes good conditioning habits that will serve them for life. Warm-ups get the blood pumping to spread the flow […]

An Interview with the President and CEO of Little League Baseball, Stephen Keener!

Hey baseball fans! I have a very exciting interview for you today with Stephen Keener, the CEO and President of Little League International! However, before I get into the Q&A, here is a quick bio on Keener. A graduate of Westminster College, Stephen Keener joined the executive staff of Little League Baseball in 1980 and […]

Build it and They Will Come: How to Make Your Own Baseball Field

Whether you want a new baseball field for your child’s Little League team or a regulation-size field in your own backyard, you can easily put together your own baseball field on any relatively level and open plot of land. Getting Started In order for your baseball field to be successful, you need to keep in […]

Coaching Little League Baseball

  Little league baseball can either be a good experience or a bad experience. I think that a lot of it depends on the coaching. I can still remember when I was a kid how much I didn’t like my first coach in baseball. It almost made me not want to play again. I felt […]

The History of Little League Baseball

  Little League Baseball is the largest organization for youth sports and has been the hallmark organization for children’s recreational baseball for over 70 years.  From a meager beginning of only one league and 30 total participants in 1939 Little League Baseball has grown to 7,123 leagues and 2,513,760 participants as of the year 2010. […]

No Glove Fielding Drill In Little League Baseball

  Growing up playing baseball, I always loved the infield. I started out playing shortstop and then ultimately ended up playing second base. I loved fielding grounders. It was my favorite part about practice and come game time, it was always exciting to have a grounder come my way. Sometimes though, as I think everybody […]

Interview with Strikeout Apparel

Baseball Reflections (BR): What is Strikeout Apparel? Strikeout Apparel (SA): Strikeout Apparel is a high-quality casual clothing line that unites baseball players and their fans, from Little League to the MLB. We specialize in producing high quality, baseball themed casual garments.  We launched our preliminary t-shirt line not too long ago; the first design is […]

Rod Carew on Seeing the Ball

In many sports, it’s called being “in the zone.” In baseball, it’s “seeing the ball.” And when you’re “seeing the ball,” you’re putting together multi-hit games, hitting streaks, and home-run tears – everything’s going right for you at the plate. When you’re “seeing the ball,” it looks bigger, you pick it up sooner, your reactions […]

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