5 Ways to Support Your Kid in Baseball

Every parent wants nothing but health and happiness for their child, and participating in team sports is one of the best ways to encourage them to lead active lifestyles which will support their physical and emotional health. One of America’s favorite sports, baseball, is a fantastic method of improving balance, core and arm strength, hand-eye co-ordination and a whole host of skills. It also engages communication skills and sportsmanship, which is crucial to the social development of your child, and creates opportunities to make new friendships forged in common interests. As a parent, there are a number of things you can do to cultivate a passion for baseball in your kid, or simply help them improve their game. Read ahead for some sound advice to support your child in baseball.

Give Them the Proper Equipment

Equipment in baseball is an essential component. Having your child become familiar with both sides of play means you should get them a glove and a bat which they can wield properly. Make sure you get the right size for their age group, or maybe a little larger for them to grow into. We recommend purchasing proper equipment from a sporting goods store rather than a general one, as you can consult knowledgeable staff for the weight and length of the bat for your little league athlete.

Don’t Present Training as a Chore

An easy way to kill your child’s passion is to make their hobbies seem like a chore. This will instill the mindset that the sport is something to complete, not enjoy. An easy way to combat this while encouraging independent play is to join in with your child! Not only can you play the role of at-home coach, but it’s also a great way to bond. Be sure not to take it too seriously as, after all, they have a professional coach, but try to keep their passion for the sport centered around fun.  

Ensure They Apply Critiques

The one thing that will limit your child’s potential is ignoring helpful advice from their coaches. Not only will they not stop bad habits in their tracks, but this creates a negative mindset where they don’t face problems head on, which could cause problems later in life. It is a brilliant skill to cultivate, putting effort into resolving personal areas of improvement, and encouraging independent practice and a sense of responsibility. As a parent, you don’t want to nag your child, but jotting down the coach’s comments and having them as a conscious aspect of play to think about is really helpful in supporting your child’s improvement.

Watch the Game

Watching a game of baseball on the TV, or taking them to see others play the sport in real life is a brilliant way to get them more interested in baseball. Watching professionals can give them aspirations within the sport and role models to look up to. Watching peers, or those in a single age group above them can make them feel a part of a community, and seeing others enjoy the sport can cultivate their own interest.

Praise their Engagement, Not Their Wins

Only offering rewards for wins can encourage an unhealthy mindset where your child could value results over effort and commitment. We recommend making these rewards less about material indulgences, like chocolate or a video game, and more about experiences. Having some bonding time after a baseball game, no matter if they win or lose, will be instrumental in the formative years of your kid.

We hope you take this advice to give your child as much support as possible in baseball.

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