Baseball Reflections

DRSEA INFORMER: Education Program And Documentary

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Volume IV, Issue 5: A Publication For Your Reading Enjoyment

DRSEA Education Program Launched – The Arias & Goodman Academy, one of the premiere baseball development programs in the Dominican Republic, has launched a pilot project developed by the Dominican Republic Sports & Education Academy to provide education for its prospects.


“Make no mistake about it,” said Gary Goodman in announcing the program. “We are in the business of preparing young Dominicans for careers in baseball; to help talented young men achieve their dreams. But there is also a social side that must be addressed.  Reality is that most of these kids will not succeed in baseball and we owe it to them to make sure they are prepared for life after baseball.”


The DRSEA designed the educational program to give the Arias & Goodman Academy prospects the tools to succeed in life on and off the field.


In designing the program, the DRSEA wanted to provide options and alternatives to just playing baseball.  While the DRSEA ultimately wants to prepare young Dominican boys to position themselves to qualify for baseball scholarships at U.S. colleges and universities, there are a multitude of others in camps like the Arias & Goodman Academy who need a solid and basic education.  The DRSEA wants to improve lives through the DRSEA experience, and what those lives can ultimately do to improve their country.


The Arias & Goodman Academy education program is custom designed to meet the needs of its prospects whose educational levels vary from minimal to intermediate; many dropped out of school to pursue their dreams.  Added to the challenge is that most of the prospects are only in the Arias & Goodman Academy, located in San Pedro de Macoris, for short periods of time.  The DRSEA had to take all that into account and come up with a program that will not only vastly expand the education levels of all prospects, but also provide them with additional life skills that will make them more complete human beings, and ultimately better baseball players as well, which will make them even more valuable to the Arias & Goodman Academy.


The program is heavy on developing conversational English, as well as critical thinking and life skills, but also provides general education in math, history, geography, art, health and nutrition, financial planning and acculturation.  This broad spectrum will allow the Arias & Goodman Academy prospects to develop skills in conceptualizing, analyzing, evaluating and applying information that they are exposed to; to make them better able to handle a multitude of decisions that will be coming their way as they mature.


Figure 2Batting practice at the Arias & Goodman Academy


Goodman said he believes his academy is the first of its kind to offer a comprehensive education program to prospects.  “Investing in the education of our players is important to us,” he said.  “We want to provide them with the skills to succeed beyond baseball. For while it is true that many of them will not make it all the way in baseball, we will try to give them the opportunity to develop skills that will help them throughout their lives.”


“ For many of these young men, they are experiencing their first structured, disciplined environment. It is our hope that in the relatively short period of time they spend with us, they will awaken to the larger world and the opportunities it holds for them.”


Special Screening of Dominican Baseball Documentary – The Dominican Republic Sports & Education Academy held a special screening of “El Play,” a documentary on Dominican baseball, on June 21 at the 809 Lounge, 112 Dyckman St., New York, NY.   The screening, followed by a panel discussion on baseball and education in the Dominican Republic, as well as a VIP reception, was part of a DRSEA fundraiser.

“El Play” is produced, directed and written by Pablo A. Medina, an assistant professor at the Parsons New School for Design in New York City, and has won several film festival awards.

Cincinnati  Reds legends Tony Perez and Pete Rose served as honorary co-chairs of the event; panelists for the discussion included: Joel Araujo, a specialist in the International Baseball Operations Department for Major League Baseball;  Pablo A. Medina, producer, director and writer of “El Play;” Charles S. Farrell, co-founder and project director of the Dominican Republic Sports & Education Academy;  Julio Pabón, founder of the Latino Sports Writers & Broadcasters Association (LSWBA), as well as founder of Latino Sports Ventures, Inc.; and Alfredo Arias, partner in the Arias & Goodman Academy.

The film’s main character is Jairo Candelario, a young aspiring baseball player from the town of San Pedro de Macoris, a small city in the Dominican Republic famous for producing some of the best players in the majors, including New York Yankees second baseman Robinson Canó.  The film follows Jairo’s dream of signing a professional contract, and includes conversations with his family, and interviews with professional scouts, coaches and a baseball historian.

Figure 3 Alfredo Arias drives home point


Co-hosting the event was the Juan Pablo Duarte Foundation, which focuses its energy on the educational needs of the Dominican community – the largest, and one of the poorest, immigrant groups in New York City.

The event was well attended, and included several Dominican government representatives, former baseball players, and executives from Major League Baseball.

“El Play” was well received by the audience, but the panel discussion was what set the event apart. While a multitude of opinions were shared, everyone concurred that education has to be a centerpiece in the development of young baseball players in the Dominican Republic.



Figure 4  Julio Pabón advocates education for Dominican prospects


The DRSEA is looking to screen “El Play” in other venues before the end of the year. Those wishing to make a donation to the Dominican Republic Sports & Education Academy can do so by going to or by sending a check to the DRSEA at:


Dominican Republic Sports & Education Academy

600 Anita Street, #16

Chula Vista, CA 91911

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