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The LaRoche Rule
- Updated: August 10, 2009
Views: 0
Recently, Adam LaRoche was traded back to the National League after spending less than 2 weeks in the American League. As you would know, this does not happen often, and, inadvertently set up a fun scenario in the two fantasy leagues I play in – one auction, one draft.
Sure enough, LaRoche is traded back to the NL, and the Braves gave up Kotchman in return. The owner of Kotchman almost rightfully demanded to have LaRoche in exchange as the rules state in trades involving trades with the AL (assuming LaRoche was a free agent in our league). I stated my position that I acted within the rules to reserve LaRoche, and, to my surprise, the commissioner ruled in my favor! I was able to put LaRoche back on my active roster. I am now a full-fledged fantasy hypocrite because I had gamed a hole in the rules as I had accused others of doing. Rest assured the rules will state that the player traded to the AL next year must be FA’d.
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