Have you ever been asked to do the scorekeeping for your kids’ team at a little league baseball game? Maybe it’s one game or maybe it’s the whole season. Either way, were you totally confused when you got the book and looked inside to see that it wasn’t necessarily what you were thinking? If this is you, you’re not the only one. I think a lot of parents, whether hardcore baseball fans or not, don’t know how to score keep.

There isn’t exactly a right or wrong way to do this as long as it makes sense and is understandable. Something you are going to want to know before trying to score keep are the position numbers and then symbols or letters for certain situations. These things will help you as you start to keep score. Here are the numbers in ascending order with their corresponding positions and then words to remember with their symbols.

Second baseman position on a baseball diamond
Second baseman position on a baseball diamond (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1.     Pitcher

2.     Catcher

3.     1st base

4.     2nd base

5.     3rd base

6.     Shortstop

7.     Left field

8.     Center field

9.     Right field

Double: 2B

Triple: 3B

Home run: HR

Strikeout swinging: K

Strikeout looking: backwards K

Double Play: DP

Error: E

Stolen Base: SB

Base on Balls: BB

As you watch the game, you will start using this information above for every play that happens on the field. Here are some examples:

If the batter hits the ball and gets out you will use the numbers to show how the batter got out.

If it’s a fly ball you will just write the number of the position that caught the fly ball inside the diamond.

Like I said before, there really isn’t a correct way to score keep. You just want to make sure that the coach can look at the book and know exactly what happened in every inning of a ballgame. If you can do that, then you have succeeded. Always use a pencil. You never know when you’re going to make a little mistake and need to erase. Hopefully this information gets you on the right track to score keeping in little league baseball. Who knows, you might enjoy it and want to do it every time you watch a baseball game.

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